What is the worst thing that could happen if you lose weight too fast?!

Question: What is the worst thing that could happen if you lose weight too fast.?
I don't know if some of these testimonials are true but like a lot of people on the South Beach Diet claim they lost 40-50 pounds in 4months. I heard the right way should be 9months to a year to lose that much. also if you lose weight too fast will that make you have saggy skin and thin or make you bald because of the lack of nutrients that was lost in result make your hair fall off.? Thanks!!!Health Question & Answer

When a person tries to lose weight too fast the only way to achieve that would be unhealthy. Hence, it is called losing weight "too" fast, rather than "at a good rate".

Usually, what many people will start doing is limiting their calories in heavy amounts. When you consume anywhere below 1,200 calories or a huge deficit under your daily maintenance requirements and eat normally again you will gain the weight back.

Your body will be in what is called "starvation mode", meaning, it will slow down your metabolism to preserve fat storages, thinking there is lack of food. This is a technique your body uses to sustain life.

Once you go back to eating normally your slowed down metabolism will cause you to gain back weight rapidly. If you didn't switch back there would be major health consequences. This would also have many side effects: becoming to thin, losing hair, etc.Health Question & Answer

After I had my baby, I lost 55 pounds in five months due to brestfeeding and poor diet. My doctor didn't seem to be too concerned about it and now my baby is a year old and I feel fine. My hair didn't fall out (no more than what is normal after having a baby) I didn't feel sick or anything, and I don't really have very much saggy skin. It isn't reccomended to lose weight that quickly, and some people will have saggy skin, but in the case that you are on a diet like that, just make sure you take a multivitamin every day plus some extra calcium and that should be fine really.Health Question & Answer

It can have any or all of the effects you mention, and weight that goes off quickly, generally comes back quickly.
A sensible weight loss gives you a chance to educate yourself about proper eating habits and gives your body a change too to make adjustments. Health Question & Answer

your skin sags as your fat comes off too fast and your muscles have not firmed up fast enoughHealth Question & Answer

The most likely bad thing would be that you would gain the weight back more quickly than you lost it. The reason is that if you lose weight quickly, generally, you are not doing it in a healthy way, you are starving yourself with a diet that would be impossible to maintain for a long period of time. The healthiest way to lose weight is to eat a sensible balanced (BALANCED!!!) diet and exercise. You should lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. 40 pounds a month isn't necessarily too fast to lose weight. 10 pounds a month is a good amount, but most people can expect to lose more like 4 to 8 pounds a month if your diet is healthy. You should expect to continue your healthy eating habits once you've reached your goal or the weight will come right back. Eating "normally" is what made you (or whoever) fat in the first place! I lost 90 pounds in 9 months, and did it with a healthy diet and lots of exercise. My skin is just a bit saggy, but then, I am over 40, so that's to be expected. I don't have huge folds of skin hanging off me, and I look a lot better than I used to. I will always have stretch marks; that can't be helped without surgery. But again, the most likely "bad thing" that would happen with quick weight loss would be the quick re-gaining of weight. Strength training is the BEST thing you can do when losing weight; if you don't strength train, the likelihood of saggy skin is higher as well.Health Question & Answer

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