7 day diet help please?!

Question: 7 day diet help please.?
ok im doing an assiment and i have a few questions about it please tell me whatever you can

what is promised by the diet.?-
who designed it-
what qualifcation dose the person who created it have.?-

please help i could not find this info.. thanxHealth Question & Answer

In essence the Cabbage Soup diet plan requires you to eat gigantic amounts of you guessed it, cabbage, and few other foodstuff.

Apart from the cabbage broth, some fruits, vegetables and sources of protein such as fish or meat in littleamounts, areincluded in the seven-day plan.

As I wish to make clearthroughout this analysis, the cabbage diet causes you to decrease you calorie intake to nearly to starvation level.

As you might be aware once you reach starvation levels then your metabolism begins to shut down and you may even gain weight as fat takes longer to be broken down.

So I was warned to only stick to the cabbage diet for a week at the most. I was thankful I adhered to that warning! It is not strange for dieters to lose 10-15 pounds in one week with the cabbage diet

The cabbage diet is very straightforward as you can imagine. You mostly consume cabbage soup and more soup until you are filled. There are also specificfurther foods permitted on each day of the week.

I was not permitted to drink any alcohol. The only other drinks I was permitted to have were water and unsweetened fruit juice (but be aware that fruit juice is only allowed on the

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