Do you have any weight loss tips?!

Question: Do you have any weight loss tips.?
Change your eating habbits. Stay away from starch (potatos, rice, pasta, bread, etc). Starch is hard for your body to break down, its a slow release energy. It should only be eaten (in large amounts) by long distance runners. It creates a slow steady release of small amounts of energy, unlike, lets say a candy bar, that gives you a jolt of energy. Eat starches with caution, try only small amounts once a week.

also, do not eat between 7pm and 7am (if you sleep at night). Your body naturally slows down close to your sleeping schedule, slowing your metabolism, resulting in the food being digested when you sleep, turning it into fat.

Walk faster, everywhere you go. If your walking around the store, walk quickly (not super fast, just quicker than normal). This gets your metabolism working harder. its a good habbit to get into and its easy. Part further from entrances to buildings to allow further walking.

Eat 5 meals a day. Eat 3 normal size meals (a meal with a side) and two meals inbetween (consisting of just a side like a side salad or apple). This will get your metabolism working longer, working all day instead of just peak times when you normally eat. This along with walking quicker anytime you walk will dramatically increase your metabolism. Eat slower. The faster you eat, the less time your body has to respond that your eating a lot (or how much your eating). If you eat slower, you get fuller quicker.

When you work out, do non-weight exercises. Do flutter kicks, jumping jacks, running, stretches, etc. I recommend getting a Wii. Its great exercise (even the game that comes with it). If not, punch a punching bag. Its great exercise also.

You will see great results quickly if you do these things. Above all else, have fun with it. If you have fun, you will stick with it. Change your habbits and you will see the weight go away and stay gone.
Health Question & Answer

I lost 10 lbs in a week! all i did was only intake about 300 -400 calories
at lunch, and eat either turnip greens or pickles or something with few calories. at night and about 5-6 fruits in between
At first it was hard to get use to but after a couple of days you dont feel as hungry any more :) This is how i lost weight but i would reccomend taking a multi vitamin so you dont lose any nutrition. Health Question & Answer

Here are things I did to lose weight:

First, start exercise. Walking is fine - just do it most days. If you are sore, try every other day. Do not judge by distance when walking, walk for a set amount of time each day. This way, as you get faster and walk further, you are still getting the exercise in.

Second, start changing your eating habits. Understand that you will sometimes fall off your diet plan. It's ok - just get back to eating healthier.

Start with just a few things - buying better, lower fat cuts of meat. Less salt. More veggies, less fatty stuff.

I also gave myself the "It's ok to snack policy". I never starved myself. I got myself one serving at a meal. If I am still hungry an hour or more after my meal, I have a snack. This kept me from starving and I still eat this way.

Eat breakfast - each and every day. Include protein in your meals at regular intervals. Breakfast should include either protein or fiber or both.

If you need any more advice or someone to talk to about this, e-mail me!Health Question & Answer

I lost a lot of weight this year. My secret.? Watch your calorie intake! I am active but realized I was consuming way more calories than I was able to burn in a single day. My biggest (and easiest) cutback was regular pop. I only drink diet now -- hard to adjust but now it's not a big deal. Do NOT starve yourself -- that only makes your body stop burning calories. When you are hungry, eat small, light meals. If you are still hungry or need a snack, stick to low-cal snacks and fresh fruit is yummy. I love the "100 calorie" snack packs that are available now. Especially when I need something sweet but not too naughty. :)Health Question & Answer

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