Losing weight without getting muscules?!

Question: Losing weight without getting muscules.?
Okay so i'm trying to lose a few kilos, by doing crunches and stuff like that, but i don't want to build up muscles(like abs) because well i don't want to look like a guy, considering i'm not a guy. What is some exercises i can do that won't build muscle. Please don't suggest running because i don't want to do that until i become a it more fit.
thanks=]Health Question & Answer

You've got a couple of misconceptions here.

First, as long as you don't take steroids you won't look like a guy. Only men can build large muscles naturally. That said, you can use weight resistance training to help you lose weight and at the same time TONE your muscles (again, they will NEVER become freaky big) making you look HOT.

I suggest you do squats and maybe deadlifts as they work on nearly every muscle you have anyway. And NO, they won't make you look like a man.

Second, becoming fit implies that you have a well balanced body system. That involves cardiovascular and aerobic training--the most popular of which is running. So if you can't do that, look for substitutes that work on your heart and how your body takes in air such as swimming or dancing or aerobics etc.

Of course, you need a proper diet to do all these so go research on that.Health Question & Answer

You can workout without gaining lots of muscles. Guys that have lots of muscles eat a lot of protein and often take creatine. Just do 15-20 reps of each exercise with light weight instead of heavy weight. And if you do happen to start building muscle like a guy, then stop what you're doing until you've reached your happy medium.Health Question & Answer

The very thing that you suggested that you don't want to do (running) is the key to losing weight. You sound just like my sister. She wants to lose weight but doesn't like running. I'm sorry, but dieting just doesn't work alone. No matter what you do, you must do cardio in order to lose the Lbs. Try a stair master or an elliptical then.Health Question & Answer

I would suggest riding a stationary bike, or doing some swimming pool aerobics (I have found this workout to be the best). I lost 7 pounds in 3 weeks doing pool aerobics. Health Question & Answer

surgury, stop eating. Having a bit of muscle can be attractive thoughHealth Question & Answer

Lots of cardio...walking!Health Question & Answer

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