How can I gain muscle more efficiently and faster?!

Question: How can I gain muscle more efficiently and faster.?
I am 18 years old with an extremely high metabolism. I only weigh about 126 lbs and I am 5'10" tall. I tried working out and increasing my protein intake a few months ago. I noticed a few changes, but nothing TOO significant. I am particularly interested in gaining more muscle in the area of my pecks. No, I don't want man-boobs, but I feel that if I could do this I would appear more muscular.
Any suggestions.? Health Question & Answer

I will tell you straight up I was like that when I was 18 (I'm 24 now).... but if you want to bulk up, go here

This dude is a best selling author. It's $77 but it works like a gem. I followed the program for 5 weeks and noticed really good results. This book is specific for people like you, with a high metabolism, are tall and skinny, like I was too. Just check out the site at least, but if you want results the quickest, that's what you need... he cuts through the crap and gives you want you need to know

there are no supplements and stuff like that, just solid routines to get you where you want to be.Health Question & Answer

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