How do u stay committed to weight loss?!

Question: How do u stay committed to weight loss.?
how do you stay commited to weight loss and not eat junk.? i am having problems eating healthy food because junk food is always on my mind, how am i supposed to eat healthy and stay committed to this if i keep thinking about other foods that aren't even healthy.? help please..Health Question & Answer

Hey Sarah!

That is one of the most difficult parts of losing weight. You need a lot of motivation. As in school, this motivation is usually derived from something positive.

They key to every weight loss program is analysis. Write down what you like about your body what not, write down how many kilos you want to lose in how many days. Write down your weight every day. If you stick to your weight loss plan then you will quickly notice your weight loss :-). I myself lost weight several times, especially to form a beach-body (lol), it motivates me if I see my success.

Make your exercise not not too exhausting and hard or you might lose the motivation. Try doing sports that you like. I really like swimming and ride my bike to a local water park. I do not even swim all the time, sometimes I just relax around the pool. You do not always have to exercise, weight loss is a question of time. For healthy weight loss it is even more important to take your time. I did several crash diets where I lost weight way too fast and had to fight with lose skin afterward.

Read about your bodies metabolism:

Basically, the article explains you what metabolism is. The metabolism is very important for your body's use of energy. It is the rate at which energy is burned. A natural consequence of every diet is that your body decreases the metabolism rate to conserve energy. The best way is to not diet in any way, try eating wholemeal products, saturated fat and only few sugars every 2 hours. Split your whole food in small portions and your body will naturally burn energy extremely fast. That is relatively easy to accomplish and requires only little motivation. The best is, you stay healthy and won't have to fight with any long-term consequences.

Hope this helps you :-). Let me know if you have more questions!Health Question & Answer

Boy, that's the million dollar question, isn't it.? Here are some things that work for me:

1) Reading weight loss books, magazine articles, and websites.

2) Reading this page on motivation:

3) Keeping a food and exercise log. Research shows that people who track their food consumption lose more weight and stay on diets longer than those who don't.

4) Post motivational sayings around the house.

5) Keep a picture handy of either fat or skinny me--whichever works.

6) Positive self-talk. I take a little time each morning to think about why I'm dieting, what I hope to accomplish, what I need to do to get there, and what I imagine I'll look like when it happens.

7) Stop and think before eating anything. Don't eat mindlessly--eat with intention. Eat slowly, chew well, savor your food.

Hope this helps! Good luck!Health Question & Answer

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