Is it possible to stay the same weight but change dress sizes?!

Question: Is it possible to stay the same weight but change dress sizes.?
I've been watching what I eat and exercising more and I went down two sizes but I'm the same weight.? I feel healthier-- but I'm disappointed that my weight has not changed.Health Question & Answer

Yes it is. If the muscle being built is about the same weight as the fat being burned you can change body size and shape but not weight.

also, fat can be re-patterned.

A weight scale is a VERY poor tool to determine fat loss, a tape measure is a better one.Health Question & Answer

You shouldn't be disappointed, you should be elated. It means you have in fact lost weight, you've just replaced the fat you lost with muscle (and as you might already know, muscle weighs more than fat.. which means you add only a little muscle for a much larger portion of fat lost).

Be happy about it! Remember, gaining muscle does not mean you get bulky (we girls don't put it on the same way). And the more muscle you gain, the faster it will help you burn off more fat.

Great job!Health Question & Answer

Totally possible. Size wise, muscle takes up less space per pound than fat. So you have been losing fat, and your body is probably shrinking, but as that fat is going away, you're gaining muscle. Don't worry, once there is more muscle than fat, those numbers on the scale will start to go down. :)Health Question & Answer

A person can change in size and adjust where the weight is. When I first started exercising again my size was smaller in the abdominal region but was bigger in the peck region but no weight was gained or loss. Over time the weight will go down but shaving inches are important too.

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It is possible. Muscle does weigh more than fat. When you lose fat and it turns to muscle it can cause you to stay the same weight. Don't worry it is a good thing at times. Health Question & Answer

When you work out and are careful of what you eat, your body builds up more on muscle tone and burning fat, thus creating a more fit size. Health Question & Answer


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