$30 pull-up system seen on tv?!

Question: $30 pull-up system seen on tv.?
this system is not the perfect pushup.? i know that, whats the name of it they said its only 29.95 and its versatile but its called like iron something what is it.?Health Question & Answer

www.buyirongym.com I just bought one.

It's $29.95 plus $12.99 postage...the 'free' pull-up straps are an extra $6.99 for 'postage and handling" so that the $29.99 item fast becomes a $50 purchase. The salesperson tries to get you to upgrade the shipping: "it will take 3 to 6 WEEKS via normal shipping but for $____ more we'll expedite it." DON'T fall for that one: I said that at the regular price, the extra/faster shipping wasn't necessary. That was smart of me: I got it via 'normal' mail 3 days later.

It's well made. Follow the assembly and usage directions. They supply the simple tools that you need to put it together. The only bad thing about is not really the mfr's fault: the door frames in my house are 6" tall, so the part that would hook over a 'normal' door casing won't fit over mine. That's okay, I use it at a friend's house. It's strong and works just fine.

I also ordered The Perfect Pushup from the Herrington catalog online (www.herrington.com) for $29.95 plus shipping. Great items.

Perfect Pushup also makes a chin-up bar, but it's $99.99 and doesn't look any better than the Iron Gym. The Iron Gym can also be used on the floor for crunches, situps, etc.

The only other piece of equipment that I would EVER consider buying is Chuck Norris' "Total Gym." It is AWESOME. My ex- took it with her (even though I bought it)...but if that's what was gonna get her gone, it was WORTH it!!!Health Question & Answer

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