Need some help with eating....?!

Question: Need some help with eating.....?
There is one difference between skinny people and fat people: skinny people know when they are full, or are satisfied.

I'm not too big, but I am a little. I'm 14, 5'10" and like 145-150 lbs.

When I become full, a click goes off and I feel that I should stop eating. But usually, I passively ignore it and keep eating. What should I do.?Health Question & Answer

Omg I do that exact same thing. I will eat, and I will be full, but I won't be satiated.

Satiety is the feeling of being satisfied. It is controlled by your hypothalamus in response to the level of sugar in your blood. Blood sugar increases, satiety sets in.

If you eat foods that are processed, or have a lot of sugar in them, your blood sugar will spike and then drop (whether or not you notice it is beside the point) and satiety will last a very short time, meaning in a few minutes your stomach might be full, but your brain says it needs more glucose.

the best way to help it is to eat vegetables, and a lot of protein-rich foods. Carbs don't contribute to satiety very much (although they are still beneficial in a diet).

What it all boils down to is literally self control though. I have to actually force myself to stop eating or else I will just binge all day on sweets. Try drinking a whole glass of water before you start eating. It will help fill you up so you aren't tempted to over-eat your means. also drink water intermittedly throughout the meal.Health Question & Answer

hello nice question,

if you want read something about weight lose and diet
ijust come accross this blog which may help you .


thanks.Health Question & Answer

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