Would fasting for a week make you loose much weight?!

Question: Would fasting for a week make you loose much weight.?
i am fasting from sunday to sunday. will i loose more than 2 pounds.? thanks.
Health Question & Answer

Contrary to what most people will think, fasting is a very healthy and completely natural way of cleansing the body and helping recovery from illness.
But from the point of view of weight loss it will be completely useless.
You will lose probably 6 to 12lbs dependent on your body but it will massively slow your metabolism down and you will regain most if not all of the lost weight very quickly afterwards.
You will also be undergoing such a short fast of 7 days that you will have to endure the first 3 or 4 days of hell as you fight cravings (which magically go after 3-4 days) and will then be coming off the fast a couple of days later.
Why not consider a raw fruit and veg only week (+ loads of water).
That will help you drop weight, wont slow your metabolism and will go some way towards cleansing your system. Health Question & Answer

Well, I would assume you would likely lose more than 2 lbs, but if you fasting for weight loss, that is not the same as fasting for God so please make sure you have your priorities straight (God knows the intentions in our hearts).
also you should realize that after going without eating that long, your body will be really hungry and your metabolism will be slowed way down, so that your body will grab onto the foods you eat more to store it as fat in case it goes through starvation again. It's the adaptability of our bodies. So in actuality, you will likely gain more as a result of doing this (but your body should adjust back to normal in time).
On the plus side, your stomach will have shrunk so you will be full faster, so that may help you not eat quite as much.
Regardless, I strongly encourage you to fast for God, maybe making request in prayer during fasting, but fasting for God. It is best to do this in secret so that it is only between you and God and so you are not getting any attention from others for it. God knows your pains, so please don't seek sympathy from others by moaning how hungry you are. also, It may not be a bad idea to make it a juice fast (in which you do not eat, but only drink a limited number of juices (or waters) in a day). This type of fasting may be best for someone who has health issues or dehydrates easily. Just a suggestion. Regardless, fasting is about sacraficing for God. Good Luck! Health Question & Answer

First, if you haven't had any experience fasting, doing it for an entire week can be very dangerous and detrimental to your health.

Secondly, fasting or starving yourself for a week will mess up your metabolism BIG TIME. You may lose a couple pounds during the week, but as soon as you begin eating again, you will gain it right back and then some. Your body will be in "starvation mode". That means that all the food taken in will be stored as fat, because the body is tricked into believing that you're starving; therefore it must save up all the fat and claories it can.

Health Question & Answer

You will probably lose about five pounds. If you are fasting for religion or for a protest, then I can understand. If you are fasting to try to lose weight then you are nuts if you think you will keep that weight off. Once you start eating again you will gain the wieght back and probably gain more. Your body goes in shut down mode when it is starving, and craves calories when you start eating again and will store those calories as fat in case it starves again. Thats why they call it a Yo-Yo diet. Your body just crashes and gets skinny, then gets fat again. Plus, you will feel like crap the whole week you are fasting. I once went four days without eating and it was torture. I couldn't imagine seven days. It's really not going to help you keep weight off if that's what you are looking for. Health Question & Answer

Yeah I am pretty sure you are going to lose some weight . However I would suggest that you drink lots of water in the mean while of your fasting. You are going to shrink you stomach, so when you start eating again its going to be difficult to eat the normal portion of food you started with This is not healthy it is still summer be careful and good luck I am sure you are going to be able lose 2 lbs, If you want to lose weight go on a really strict diet but good luck to you wish you the bestHealth Question & Answer

If you want to lose weight just cut back on processed foods (anything in a package), sugar, juice and white flour. If you eat "real food" (lots of veggies, fruits, protein, and high fibre foods), you can eat proper meals, and you will still lose weight. You won't be hungry, and you won't instantly gain back the weight.
I stopped drinking pop and sugary juice, drank mostly water/herbal tea, and made sure I ate lots of fresh veggies or fruit with every meal, etc. I lost more than 25lbs- it took about 2 years, but has stayed off for 8 years, and I always eat what I want, just not too much junk food.
also just exercise for 1/2 and hour a day to boost your metabolism.
Hope this helps...Health Question & Answer

Fasting should never be done for more than 3 days and only as a jump start for a good nutritional, knowledgeable diet. During a 3 day fast you drink caffeine free teas, water, broths, jello or anything else clear. If you don't have these nutrients along with vitamin supplements, you are not doing it right at all and in the long run doing more harm than good.
Too many people think fasting is not taking anything but water and that is wrong. Your system will backfire on you.
Fasting in itself should never be done for weight loss in itself. The benefits of fasting are mainly to cleanse your system. To basically empty it out, which cannot be done without proper intake to flush.
So, just in you stating that you want to do it for a week and hope to loose 2 or more pounds tells me that you are very young and very naive and probably have no idea what fasting is or what it's about.
also, fasting should never be done more than a couple times a year and not less than 6 months apart.
To use fasting as a jump start to a weight loss diet plan is not as simple as it sounds. There is a whole way to do this right. If not done right, it's like playing Russian roulette and very stupid.
Ignorance can mess up your system to the point that you can easily end up with a weight problem for the rest of your life.
Be careful and study things before you go blindly into them.
You only have one body for life. There are no trade-ins and your body has to last you for about 97 years. How old is your's right now.? Do you want to take the chance of setting your body into a downward spiral that will end in pain and misery from now and only get worse as you age.?
You need to rethink your plan.Health Question & Answer

It depends.

While fasting you can lose up to 1 pound a day.

The thing is when you start eating again. You have to be careful. Don't gorge on your first meal. In fact, just eat small portions of fruit (like apples) for the first day. Then start introducing other stuff into your diet. When you really start eating again, stay away from a high-carb diet, like sugars and breads and pastas. Then you may be able to keep it off. Otherwise, you can actually gain more wieght...what you do the first day after breaking the fast will determine all this. Health Question & Answer

Yes, but I doubt you will make it. Fasting in order to lose weight rarely works. Fasting needs to be done for more personal or spiritual reasons in order to succeed.

If you do make it, you will probably lose between 5 & 10 pounds.Health Question & Answer

You will feel weak, wont get the right amount of nutrients, and will basically use you fat reserves so whilst you will lose weight, it is a very bad idea. regular exercise and a balance diet is always best.
:)Health Question & Answer

i think so, it matters how much you normally eat too. If you eat a lot i believe that there will be a bigger change. but it doesn't matter because once you go back to eating it will come right bakHealth Question & Answer

probably but the minute the week is over and you eat again youll gain it back if not more weight because its going to mess around with your metabolism.Health Question & Answer

Not eating just slows down your metabolism, so when you start eating again you will gain more weight. The only way to lose weight is to eat healthy and exerciseHealth Question & Answer

wow..you're stupid.
make sure you make an appointment with the Emergency Room in advanced.Health Question & Answer

More than 2 pounds.? You'll fkin die go eat something!Health Question & Answer

Yes u will lose it for sure but when u will start eating u would gain more than u lostHealth Question & Answer

yea, but try to not eat a lot after that week. GOOD LUCK :)Health Question & Answer

That's a lil much don't cha think.?Health Question & Answer

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