Anyone here addicted to carbs?!

Question: Anyone here addicted to carbs.?
I never understood why I could eat so much, and want to eat so much. First I thought maybe I'm reactive hypoglycemic, because when I hardly eat anything, I don't feel as bad as when I eat something really sugary or any refined carbs. 2 hours after I do I have to eat something ASAP or I feel like I will pass out. I saw this book about carbohydrate addiction, because it is so bad, I will eat and then not even 2 hours later I want something else to eat, my weight is getting higher. Well, now I am intervening. Does anyone else here have a problem with refined carbs.? What did you do to solve it.? Don't you wish health food was easier and more convenient.?
Tell me your stories, I'm interested.


Firstly most diets are fads.

One thing is that we will be hungry until we get the nutrition we need.

"Rabbit starvation" (as documented by charles darwin) comes from eating a diet of lean meat, say nothing but rabbits. We need fat in our diet and so only lean meat will leave people hungry, eating until they explode.

Another thing is locusts. They keep eating eating eating because they don't get enought protien.

Personally, I eat lots of carbs d I do lots of exercise. But when I do no exercise I eat few carbs and can't stand eating them.

SOme people try to avoid carbs, so they end up very hungry and eat a lot more other junk that is higher in fat.

So, look at your diet, eat a balanced one with enough carbs to handle your energy needs, plenty of protien (lean meat) and fruit and vegetables. You will find that your hunger level will go down once you get enough nutrition.

also, when you are hungry, you don't have to eat....better to wait a little while and enjoy the taste of simple food when you are really hungry.Health Question & Answer

I am...I went to a vegan raw food restaurant yesterday and I couldnt wait to get home and have some pretzels or saltines. I went home and ate a WHOLE pack of saltines!Health Question & Answer

Yes i am addicted to noodles. I used to only eat pasta. My 3 meals a day were a large bowl of pasta with butter. Sometimes i would have seconds and i would always have dessert which would be a large bowl of ice cream. When ever we were out of pasta i would have 2 packets of noodles with 2 eggs. I didnt eat fruit or vegetables and i was constantly tired. I would have an instant burst of energy after each meal and then after half an hour i would feel slugish and larthargic. All of the wheat filled pasta played havoc with my insides because i had no fibre in my diet. One day i just woke up and decided enough was enough i hada problem and only i could fix it. So over 2 years i went from 10 stone 11 pounds down to 8 stone 7 pounds and now i am 8 stone because i have grown. I have a balanced diet and eat lots of vegetables to fill myself up because i am always hungry and i love fruit. My tastes have completly changed and i have learned that if you eat enough of something you get used to it and eventually like it. I still have carbs though because i have learnt everything is good in moderation. I have some low fat noodles each day which is better for me and when i have pasta i have a controlled portion and fill up on protein which is more satisfying for my hunger than carbs which are easily burned off. Im not hungry all the time anymore and i am much more energetic now so i have the confidence to go to the gym 3 times a week which makes me fell happier, energetic and less depressed. It also stops me thinking about being hungry so much because exercise supresses hunger. Good luck xxxxHealth Question & Answer

There is a diet out there that will only allow you to eat 20 carbs per day.I know right now your going crazy but no it's more than just having less than 20 carbs per day.At the end of the month or at the end of the first week of your diet your body usually just says no to refined carbs and sugar etc.It's called the dr.atkins diet and a lot of people love this diet but some who never tried it just thought it was bad.Check out the website because there is to much info to tell you here.Remember though.REMEMBER alot of people on the internet lie about what you need to put in your body for this diet to work.Try his own website , or just youtube search someone named be bowulf.Health Question & Answer

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