Squats, fast or slow? how many?!

Question: Squats, fast or slow.? how many.?
I do squats to try to help burn some fat (i do other exercises also)... but when i do them should i do it slow.? or kinda fast.? and how many.? and how many times a day.? And what part does it tone up// burn fat on.? ummm... yea i think that's all i wanted to know....lolHealth Question & Answer

When you do it fast you feel more of a burn right.? Then do it faster, and you'll be getting more results from more impact. You can do several sets a day and you'll be doing better the more sets you do. Depending on what version of squat you do, it can work different parts, but most likely your legs. By the way that's not really going to lower your weight for two reasons: It will build more muscle, which is adding more to you, and second it is almost like a stretch which is not high impact. High impact is what works for what you want. But if you do a ton of squats for say 3 hours, very quickly then it would be much like an aerobic form of exercise. Health Question & Answer

squats don't burn fat (unless you do them REALLY REALLY fast!!) but you usually can't, squats are a muscle building workout and muscle building work outs only burn as much calories as walking on level ground, but they build muscle which makes you more toned which makes you SEEM like you lost weight, that's where the confusion comes from. I would suggest a much higher pace cardio workout such as running in order get better results.Health Question & Answer

Squats are great exercises to do!! I do them generally in between reps of something else. They are best down in a controlled motion, so not to fast but not to slow. Squats tone your Quads, Glutes, and Hamstrings. Be careful as to not bend over 90 degrees at the knees, it can really screw up your joints and cause some additional pain. Have fun :) Health Question & Answer

You want to do them somewhat slow, so that you fatigue each muscle as you go down and up. But, you can also do pulsating squats, where you squat really fast up and down - those KILL!!!Health Question & Answer

Slow squats with weights, about 4 seconds down, 1 second up will build muscle. Faster squats will tone more than build. Squats work your quadriceps and glutes.Health Question & Answer

each one should take around 4 seconds

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the slower you do it the more it tightensHealth Question & Answer

slowly because it uses more muscle which burns more calories too.Health Question & Answer

slower...it takes more muscle and more tone to do them slowly....Health Question & Answer

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