Oh my god this is lame :[ makin me cry.?!

Question: Oh my god this is lame :[ makin me cry..?
i was just lookin at someones question about them being 5'1 and weighin 101 pounds and it said "am i fat.?"
well someone posted a bmi chart and i looked at it and it says im almost obese.? but that CAN'T be true.. im about 5'0 i think (last time i checked.?)
but on friday i weighed myself at 150. i know that sounds real wierd and ya it sounds like im fat. but everyone tells me im not (and not just in the "im being nice" way). they all say im a litttle chubby but not that much. and i have BIG AS$ boobs. but then those things can't be accurate.. unless im right, and i really am fat. :[Health Question & Answer

I have the same thing as you, except i'm taller and heavier.

You are not fat at all! Muscle weighs more then fat, and your boobs might add some weight, as well.

Do not listen to BMI charts. They're not very accurate.

If you think that you might be overweight, the next time you go to your doctor, ask her if you're a normal weight for your height and age.Health Question & Answer

those BMI things are so dumb i hate looking them up haha.
because a lot of the time people are mostly muscle and it will say even they are obese. which is stupid because they are pure muscle, right.? so don't even worry about it and if you feel uncomfortable with yourself then work out [:
i'm 4'10 and i used to weigh 135 and my boobs are HUGE too haha!!
so you aren't the only oneeeeHealth Question & Answer

you probably just carry your weight in your boobs. Health Question & Answer

nope you just right i got the same problem it's because our boobs add about 10lbs to our weight Health Question & Answer

Many large breasted women (I'm one too, 34DD, so I feel ya) like to delude themselves into thinking the breasts account for a lot of weight. Sorry to tell you, but they really really don't. Even large ones are at the MOST 10lbs (they're FAT, fat is actually kinda light compared to organs and muscles and bones). So let's say your boobs are 10lbs, you're still 140 which sounds a little heavy (not obese) for your height.

Calm down, take a deep breath, don't cry it won't solve anything. Once you've regrouped, take an objective look at yourself and your habits. How active are you, what do you eat how often and how much.? I'm sure you (like almost every other person in the world) can find something that could be tweaked or improved upon to make you healthier.

Good luck and don't worry so much.

EDIT: Obviously a lot of the commenters here are also a little delusional about just how much breasts weigh. I'd like you ALL to place your breasts on a scale (like a kitchen scale since a floor scale wouldn't be shaped right). It'll be a real eye opener.Health Question & Answer

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