Why is frying/deep frying bad for you.?!

Question: Why is frying/deep frying bad for you..?
Is it because of the added oil or does frying/deep frying change something in the food.Health Question & Answer

Deep frying is bad because it adds lots of bad fats and empty calories to your food.Not only that but it destroys the good nutrients in the food so you end up eating empty calories.

If you really need to add oil to something try virgin olive oil its the healthiest oil to cook with.But only add whats needed and try not to deep fry ever.Think of how many nutrients are in paper compared to a apple.That's basically about the amount of nutrients deep fried food has after.Although it does have a lot more fat and calories then paper.Theres nothing in it your body can use to function properly.Health Question & Answer

It's because of all the grease in the food, it clogs up your arteries. You know how, when you fry something and you leave the grease sitting there overnight, and the next morning it's all thick and whitish.? That's what it does in your arteries. That's why it is always better to eat food that is baked or boiled, because it doesn't have so much grease and oil. And also, most fried foods have a lot of calories, so you shouldn't eat too much of it.

Health Question & Answer

The other answers so far are correct. Occasionally having food that is deep fried will not hurt you so there is no reason not to have it occasionally. I do not typically fry anything as all the oil makes me ill. What does not bother me and is not too bad for you if you fry something on the stove is instead of layers of oil is to stir fry in a Wok or just spray the pan with a light coat of Olive Oil Pam spray. Health Question & Answer

it is just the sheer amount of oil added to the food
& because it is usually vegetable oil that is used, not olive oil - which would be better
oil contain essential GOOD fats, but as with everything else, should only be consumed in moderationHealth Question & Answer

It's the oil they are cooked in, if you eat too much fried food, it is bad for you cholesterol. deep fry food it is greasy. And too much of that is not good for you. if you do want to fry food try extra virgin olive oilHealth Question & Answer

Grease and oil, it makes it all unsaturated fat.Health Question & Answer

Because it's frying in fatty oils for a long time.Health Question & Answer

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