Will this diet plan work??? really need some help please!?!

Question: Will this diet plan work.?.?.? really need some help please!.?
breakfast - one apple
lunch - two bananas
tea - vegetables only!
snacks - nothing
6 cups of water a day

treadmill 30 min each day
walk or run 30 min a day
bike ride - everyday, around the block
50 sit ups a day, 20 push ups a day

if i did this plan for 3 weeks exactly will i lose 5-6 kgs.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

that wont do! you'll end up hospitalized

the 2 key principles to weight loss is eat less, exercise more.

but you have to burn more than you eat! but what you wanna eat will make you starve, and you won't loose weight because your body is in starvation mode, which will save all of the fats. trust me! eat better and exercise more.
Health Question & Answer

Starvation diets and diet pills have some interesting side effects. Some of them could be:

* Weight gain.
* Depression.
* Food cravings.
* Feeling tired and listless.
* Constant hunger.
* Reduced interest in sex.
* Chronic fatigue.
* Hypothyroidism.
* Hormone imbalance.
* Scaly skin or eczema.
* Premature wrinkling of the skin.
* Dandruff or dull, lifeless hair.
* Mood swings.
* Chronic yeast infections.
* Poor immune system- frequent colds or respiratory illnesses.
* Digestive problems.

Not a very healthy way to lose weight. Would you agree.? 95% of the people who go on a diet or take diet pills will end up gaining all of their weight back (and more) in a year or two unless they learn how to make some permanent, healthy lifestyle changes. Diets and diet pills just don't work very well in the long run. Diets are a temporary solution to a long term problem.

Click on the link below to read my story (Is Your Scale Broken.?) of how I lost 40 pounds and kept it off without starving myself or doing any extreme exercising. I tried the Healthy For Life program which is all done online. No meetings to go to or embarrassing weigh-ins. They recommended something called a "Reset" kit. I lost 5 pounds in 5 days using it. I went on to lose 10 more pounds by the end of the month. You might lose more or less. That is up to you. Click on the link below to watch 3 short online movies that explains the Reset kit and where you can get one.

I am a certified team leader with the Healthy For Life program and would be happy to answer any of your questions.Health Question & Answer

I'm not sure how much 5 -6 kgs is but I lost 42 pounds in three months. I just cut out soda and walked three miles five days a week. I had gained 20 pounds and wanted to lose it but ended up losing way more then I expected. You shouldn't starve yourself. Eat healthy and exercise.Health Question & Answer

you would lose the weight but you would be doing it in an bad way. You need to consume more calories. You could feel really fatigued and you wont be able to function the same.Health Question & Answer

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