Any nutritionists out there?I've lost 126 lbs in the last 11 months but now I keep gaining too easily..(cont)?!

Question: Any nutritionists out there.?I've lost 126 lbs in the last 11 months but now I keep gaining too easily..(cont).?
I have 50 lbs more to go, and I work out at least 4 days a week. On the average, I lose a lb every day or two. The problem is that every other weekend, I allow myself to cheat a little when I see friends, etc...And during these periods of "diet holiday", I seem to gain at a unbelievable rate--for example, yesterday I ate badly for lunch and dinner, and this morning when I weighed myself, I had gained 3 lbs. In less than 24 hours...and 2 weeks ago, I gained 13 lbs in 2 days. I'm serious. (That was the weekend of my birthday, was bad all weekend, but still...). PLEASE advise me how to break this cycle and get back on track. Any help would be appreciated :-)Health Question & Answer

Our weight is always going to fluctuate due to periods, water gain, stress, etc. So gaining and losing a few pounds here and there is not too bad but here are a few tips to getting back on track.
You can have 1 cheat day per week. This will get your body back to craving the sugars etc and keep it from getting used to the healthy foods you are eating and slow down the weight loss process. So cheating is good. Just dont go overboard! Instead of mcdonalds choose some place more healthy and just watch your carb intake.
I lost 20 lbs in 3 weeks by doing this
3 egg whites in the morning
a snack: protein bar, shake, yogurt, or fruit
1 chicken breast or fish(salmon) baked, boiled, or pan cooked with broccoli or other vegetable and 1 cup of rice
another snack
then for dinner only protein. Chicken, Fish, and vegetables.
Dont eat after 7 pm and drink only water. Other drinks contain lots of extra calories.
Do at least 30 minutes of cardio a day. walking, running, etc is a free website that can help keep track of your calorie intake. good luck!Health Question & Answer

"Cheating" is okay, but maybe try and keep a limit - so special occasions (birthdays, Christmas etc).

For regular, week to week stuff, either limit the cheating by having one or two lunches a week that are free, or chose healthier options - have lunch with friends but choose tomato sauce based pasta or an entree size instead of a full size...Health Question & Answer

dieting is all about changing your eating habits. don't take diet breaks!! obviously cheating so often is bad for you! also to gain weight that quickly when you are on a break would tell me that your metabolism has dropped. when you do eat normally your body is storing it. you're not on some silly fad diet are you.? You are eating enough aren't you.? You shouldn't gain weight that quick unless your body is in starvation mode.?Health Question & Answer

Take more butter milk or curd in food
Keep BMI in rangeHealth Question & Answer

Dont cheat!!!! That is not good for you to cheat. Dont be a CHEATERHealth Question & Answer

WOW first of all I want to congratulate you!!!! 126 pounds!!!!!!!! thats such an accomplishment!!!!! you have no idea!!!!!!!! I am happy to hear that it is working for you and you aren't giving up!!! most people who have over 100 lbs to lose just try to diet- fail and then they stay obese forever!!!! but i am so happy for u that you are able to do this!!!! also I agree with another answer that was on here that you should cheat once a week and don't go cheating overboard!!!!
awesome job though!!!!!Health Question & Answer

well, maybe ur body is acustom to fats and junk, therefore, when u give ur body carbs and or fats it stores it, thus, giving weight gain. You have 2 some how train ur body not to store fats. Example get carbs in the morning and afternoon, but no carbs at dinner. Never eat anything 5 hours before u go to bed because as everyone knows the fat that u just eat was not burned then it is stored. Try cutting down surgars because that can also be a problem, and not surgars at night. And u can cheat, but cheat wisely. Health Question & Answer

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