What exactly do you lose when you run?!

Question: What exactly do you lose when you run.?
like, i think i heard protein and of course fat but anything else.?
Health Question & Answer

Running is the best way to lose weight because it activates some of the biggest muscles in your body, your legs. So obviously when you run it takes energy, that energy is used for the contractions of your muscles. So your question is where does this energy come from.? The answer is a lot of places. First of all your muscles should have some energy on hand(ATP), and there usually is a good amount stored in both the blood stream and the liver.

After all that is gone is when you start to feel tired. This is when your body is out of easily-available energy. Now its impossible to say directly where the energy comes from because there is a ton of factors to consider such as: BodyFat%, Genetics, even what/when you last ate. Typically however your body will start to digest both muscle and fat stored on your body. For men its about a 50/50 ratio, for women usually 60/40 (muscle/fat). This mean when you work out alot your body is not only digesting fat but muscle at the same time. There are many ways to combat this, and you shouldn't really worry because at the same time your legs are rebuilding muscle. So it balances out. I just thought I'd let you know specifically when you work out heavily your body first digest easily-available energy in the blood stream then it goes to muscle/fat.

You said they burn protein and fat, which is true in a sense. The body alters both of them differently. Fat holds more calories (molecular energy) than protein does, but protein contains more amino acids (cell building-blocks).Health Question & Answer

excercising burns calories. you also lose water weight when you do intense exercising. thats mainly when you perspire Health Question & Answer

In the short term, you loose weight due to dehydration.

In the long term, you gain muscle and loose fat.Health Question & Answer

Weight, due to water loss. Drink plenty of water after running.
Health Question & Answer

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