I cannot lose weight. Complicated circumstances. Any help?!

Question: I cannot lose weight. Complicated circumstances. Any help.?
Hello, my name is Tomack, I live in the UK, and I am 15 years old. I enjoy music, Martial arts, Water sports, I speak several languages to an extent, I have reasonable grades, and lots of great friends.

When I was younger, from the age of about 4, I was really quite chubby, to put it bluntly. This remained to be the case untill I was about 11, entering my first year of secondary school (high school for any Americans kind enough to read.)

As im sure many of you are familiar with, all of a sudden I found myself surrounded by lots of girls and young women, which amazed me, and still does, 4 years later, in my final year. But I also encountered lots of people in the years above, who naturally, liked to take advantage of the younger, more vulnerable ones. I had always been teased a little, but it didnt so much matter how you looked in my old schools.

So I decided enough was enough, and I started really excercising, more and more, and visiting my local gym, boxing, various Martial Arts and sports etc, and I gradually lost weight. I continued to lose weight for ages, and then one day, I just sort of stopped.

To clear up any confusion, I am not fat now, I am reasonably muscular, and in fairly good shape. But Im still very troubled with how I look, I certainly am not very physically attractive on the whole, the areas that bother me most, and have most excess baggage are my chest, my stomach, and my upper legs/thighs.

I dont know why my weight loss stopped, I eat organic, I eat well, I dont eat alot, I drink lots of water, and I dont drink/ do drugs alot.

Any ideas from anyone as to what might have happened/be happening/what I might do about it.? To be totally honest, im willing to do what it takes for a buff bod.

Please dont say 'exercise', I dance alot, run alot, and generally do lots of physical activity.

Thanks for any help,
Tomack Dominuev.

I dont think I even have a full body picture of myself... But heres a picture anyway, to give a vague idea of my body state.

Yeah, none of those are any good for this scenario. Oh well.

Thanks again.Health Question & Answer

I would suggest you allow your body time for full adaptation at your present weight before trying to lose more. We all have a built in survival mechanism that many get frustrated with.

Let your weight plateau for about 6 months or more. Then approach your fat loss efforts again. You will notice how much easier it is to drop that excess fat you complain about.

In the meantime keep up your fitness and diet regime. Your future health depends on it. Don't sweat it, you'll get where you want to be ~ been there.Health Question & Answer

Personally, I think you're quite attractive as guys go. Don't worry so much, you look like a friendly, cute guy, someone I as a girl would be drawn to. No one has the perfect body, and it's normal to see flaws, just continue being healthy and you'll be fine.Health Question & Answer

There's a great website that I've been following for a couple of weeks now, it's got oodles of free help and advice and shows you how to slim down the true way, without dieting. I worked off 7 pounds in six weeks by using their methods http://loseweight101.notlong.comHealth Question & Answer

It could be just be a little bit of excess skin. Some excess skin can be because of excess cardio input. Resistance training can help reduce baggy skin.Health Question & Answer

I don't think you look big at all,You are still growing so your body is reserving calories for those growth spurts,just consider that fact before spending alot of time trying to loose those reserves. The one thing that i've found that helps me loose weight when working out is low or reduced fat milk! i know i didn't believe it either! but it really works,for some reason drinking it helps develop muscles,good luck.Health Question & Answer

I was told while going through military basic training that you will lose size before you lose weight and even when you start losing weight, that will slowly decrease do to muscle growth because muscle weighs more than fat. My only suggestion would be to just stay active and exercise. As long as you're living healthy then you're doing good.
btw, most 15 year olds i ever knew were self conscious to a point, don't sweat it!Health Question & Answer

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