Husband weight loss ?!

Question: Husband weight loss .?
my husband has been losing a lot of weight. He is now below 110 and he is 5"7. He eats like any other normal person, but is becoming dangerously underweight. He is trying to gain weight, but simply can't. any suggestions.?Health Question & Answer

I am a physiologist, nutritionist and trainer. Before I can answer your question, I would probably need to ask a few myself:

1) How long has this weight loss gone on.?

2) Is it on purpose.? If not, there must be some underlying medical condition (thyroid for instance) which should be addressed. get some blood work done asap.

3) If he was intentionally losing weight, how has he been doing it.?

4) Has he developed some kind of body dysmorphic disorder in his quest to lose weight.? This is a psychiatric disorder that affects more men than was previously acknowledged.

5) How much weight has he lost.?

If, as you say, he's eating like any other normal person, and still losing weight, I'd say it could indicate a medical problem. In my experience as a nutritionist, I've never seen anyone (healthy person) eat enough and not put on weight. Do consider talking to your physician immediately.Health Question & Answer

Are u sure that he's actually trying.? Do you actually see him eating more and actually trying to get healthy or does he just tell you that he is trying.? At that height and weight, he is underweight and it really does sound like he needs help. Has this ever happened before and has he ever struggled with weight before.? I'm not saying that he is, but if he had weight loss problems in the past, then he could be anorexic. To be safe, go see a doctor and they can run tests to see what is wrong.Health Question & Answer

eat more protein to build muscle...muscle weighs more than fat...

umm...maybe get his thyroid levels checked to make sure he doesn't have overactive thyroid. Health Question & Answer

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