Why Do We Even Have BMI?!

Question: Why Do We Even Have BMI.?
Seriously, it's so inaccurate, and now look what it has done, people actually think your BMI is an indicator of body fat, and instead of looking at body fat percentages, people use BMI as if it is some magical indicator of whether they are fat or not. Why do we have it.?Health Question & Answer

its retarted as hell
according to it im overweight and my bmi is 28.3 lol
i dont even know why doctors go by it either
you know whats really ****** up.?
my friend jeremy...ok this guy is 6'0 255 and hes all muscle...he has a 8 pack...its crazy this guy ******* huuuuge
dude goes to the doctor
they were trying to put him on a diet cuz he was considered "super obese" you can tell the dudes ripped without him taking his shirt off he wears a 4xl and his forearms are like 16" and his arms like rip the sleeves i think there 22's...they wanted to put him on a 1100 calorie diet for him to loose weight
im like WTF this guy has 8%bf...he tell them that and there like o well hes really obese you need to loose some weight...i dont think he ever went back there...people these days are retarted
people these days are retarted

your telling me
idk what this worlds coming to lolHealth Question & Answer

Epic_laydown mentioned the insurance industry angle. People who are considerably taller than average have shorter-than-average life expectancies. And the exponent 2 in the BMI formula discriminates against tall people. Why.?

A tall person with the same body proportions as a person of average height will have a higher BMI. If the exponent was 3, then these two people would have the same BMI. Although BMI isn't a measure of just one thing, it is useful from an actuarial perspective. On the other hand...

Wikipedia has an incisive critique of BMI. Here's a tidbit:
"For example Lance Armstrong was classified as 'overweight' when he competed in the 1993 Tour de France."
Here's the link.Health Question & Answer

it's all a ploy by the insurance companies to determine how overweight people are. Any reasonable person knows that someone's health make up is not measured by a set of numbers like the BMI. It is many components such as lifestyle, muscle tone, physical activity, and even attitude. Health Question & Answer

Because body fat percentage is still relatively unknown to a lot of medical professionals believe it or not.Health Question & Answer

Perfect example right here. I get a report sent home from my school, because I weighed 192 lbs.

Look at my profile picture...do I look fat.? (No bragging, trying to make a point)Health Question & Answer

It's stupid. I know. Who knows how much of it could be muscle.Health Question & Answer

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