My BMR is supposively 3,482. I am 5'10" and 240lbs with 19% Body fat. I started eating a 2000 cal per day diet?!

Question: My BMR is supposively 3,482. I am 5'10" and 240lbs with 19% Body fat. I started eating a 2000 cal per day diet.?
I work out 5 days a week. I eat 240 grams of protein per day, the rest healthy fats & carbs. I drink 1 gallon of water a day or more. I take a multivitamin/multimineral and walk 5 miles a day. Is it safe to eat a 2000 calorie diet to lose fat. I figured out my BMR from one of these online BMR calculators. It's been 8 days, I feel great. Health Question & Answer

First of all, I don't think your BMR is 3482. A BMR of 3482 is very very high. What this number represents is your caloric requirements for maintenance of weight and takes into account your current activity levels.

I probably don't need to point out to that you're doing an impressive volume of work. Lifting 5 days per week plus 5 miles of cardio everyday is a lot of physical activity. I am surprised that you have enough energy on 2000 cals per day to do all that work. Furthermore, if you're really consuming 240 grams of protein per day, that works out to almost 1000 calories from protein alone. Which is not a problem. In fact, it's great. However, that only leaves you with about 1000 calories which has to be divided between Fat and Carbs. Clearly, this isn't much to play around with and I think you may be consuming too little carbs to support heavy lifting.

Anyway, assuming you're fine with your numbers, you should be seeing the fat literally FLY off your body. If your maintenance intake is 3482 and you're getting 2000 per day, you're actually creating a deficit of almost 1500 calories per day. Multiply this by 7 and your weekly deficit is about 10500 calories. Thus, in theory, you should be losing about 3lbs per week, which is a lot. However, fat loss is rarely linear, and as you get closer to 10% bodyfat, you will find it harder and harder to get leaner.Health Question & Answer

You sound pretty active. If your BMR is correct and you are really on a 2000 Calorie diet then you should be losing weight fast(my guess is about 1 pound every 3 days). Your body is making ketone bodies much more than usual so make sure you get enough carbs, preferably carbs with a low glycemic load. I'm not going to tell you its not safe but i will say its not sustainable. Sustainable diets are usually more successful with a lower incidence of rebound weight. If it was me personally, under your circumstances I'd be eating more and just expecting to lose weight slower. You might want to consult with a dietitian.

A gram of protein per pound is a little overkill.Health Question & Answer

There's a n amazing site that I've been learning from for a few weeks now, it's got stacks of free help and advice and illustrates to you how to burn some body fat the correct way, without dieting. I lost 9 pounds in four weeks by following their helpful advice http://loseweight102.notlong.comHealth Question & Answer

There is a great issue to lose weight quickly. Just have over THREE meals day-to-day. It's true. Just look at this perfect source to get more info. Health Question & Answer

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