Ok, I'm putting you in my position so you can help me get some weight off.

K, say your dad is allergic to exercise, is diabetic, and pretty much never exercises. Next your Mom who has her own health problems but is trying to lose weight. Your house is full of junk food, and you have about 15 pounds you want to lose.

You can't join a gym or take a class or join a team because of lack of $$ and time, however you have access to a Bowflex, a elliptical, play tennis at a local park 5 days a week. That's me.

I try to work out as often as possible, Bowflex 3 times a week, 3o minutes on the elliptical, play tennis and try jogging the track... whatever I can. My diet sucks, because I really have no understanding of diet really. My entire family is full of overweight hypertensive diabetics who's only mission in life is to make sure every plate is licked clean and every meal completely consumed before you leave the table. I'm not hating, I love them all very much, but the truth is there, that's what they are. I'm just very irritated because ive eaten under 1000 calories a day (I'm female, 16 years old), been working out, and have seen ZERO results. Please just give me exercise tips and good eating advice! I know this is a little long but I'm desperate.Please help. 10 points best answer!Health Question & Answer

I will tell you the truth my dear - exercise isn't really the answer to the kind of weight loss you are after, it gets you fit and burns calories, but you eat all those calories again in 1 day so it pretty much gets you nowhere.

There are around 3,500 calories in a pound of fat. To burn 3,500, you need to run for around 6-7hrs none stop at a constant speed.
No body burns 3,500 calories in one day.

You lose weight by reversing the way you get overweight - by going back to a good diet and cutting out all the junk food and over eating. That is the truth.

Don't stop playing tennis and doing exercise, being fit is full of benefits to your health and will help with weight loss in a way.

You must talk to your family hun, tell them everything you've just wrote here. As a family you all really, really need to work on your health and diet, because it's very unfair that their bad habits are also affecting your health.
The last thing they want is for you to end up diabetic too.

Even if you don't think they will listen, it's worth a try, you have nothing to lose by just bringing this up with your family.

Good luck, I hope the food shopping goes differently next time :)
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