What are yoga blocks? And what are they used for?!

Question: What are yoga blocks.? And what are they used for.?
I just started yoga and there are a lot of accessories out there. What do I need.? And please somebody tell me what these accessories are for. Thanks Health Question & Answer

If by accessories you refer to what are also frequently called 'props', then read on.

B. K. S. Iyengar is generally credited as the originator of introducing various props as tools to assist students in experiencing and learning the proper physical alignment in a given pose (asana).

Example, if someone is not quite flexible enough to get their hand to the floor when doing Triangle pose, they can use a block to support the weight thru that arm/hand: http://z.about.com/d/yoga/1/5/8/4/triang...

Here, a person uses a chair: http://www.eldr.com/files/images/yoga1.p...

An alternative without any prop is to place the hand wherever one can reach on the lower shin or ankle.

Here, a person not yet able to reach/hold the foot, uses a strap as a prop: http://www.tracis.info/tracis.info.pictu...

Although the use of props originated in, and is a key component of Iyengar style Hatha yoga, the use of props in teaching yoga has been adopted by instructors of many other styles.

If you are going to buy anything, a mat would be the first item to get.
A mat provides a surface that generally prevents feet and hands from slipping.
Blocks, straps, blankets, bolsters (large firm pillows), can generally all be substituted with items from around your house.

There are several high quality books available on Iyengar yoga, some written by himself, his daughter, or others: .?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=iyengar" rel="nofollow">http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw.?url...

dwbHealth Question & Answer

you can buy a yoga mat for back protection purpose. You can do it on a blanket. But, unlike many other sport activities, you can practice yoga without any accessories really!

Here is a free yoga e-course that may help you a lot:

BestHealth Question & Answer

You dont need any accessories for Yoga. Just sit or lie on a matress and start Aasan. Consult any good book on Yoga.Health Question & Answer

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