Waiting 1 minute between working out?!

Question: Waiting 1 minute between working out.?
Your supposed to wait about 1 minute between sets right.? So like 10 dumbbell curls on each hand then wait a minute and do again. Well im not using heavy dumbbells for my body workout at mo (5kg). As i dont want to injure myself at mo. So would it make a difference if i didnt wait the 1 minute and keep doing my workout with no breaks.?

Cheers.Health Question & Answer

No it wouldn't because your working out with something that is not much weight for you. But you can do what you want.Health Question & Answer

Rest between sets can differ, depending on what you are training to acheive. If you want to cut up, and increase your fitness, you want to rest between 20-60 seconds. This way, ur heart rate will not drop significantly, but also, your muscles will not have fully recovered from the set, so fatigue will kick in sooner on the next set, than if you rested longer.
if you are looking to build size and strength, you want to rest at least a minute, to about 2-3 minutes. You will be able to increase the weight on each set, this way, and be fully recovered to give each set your maximum effort.
However, if you are pumping out 10 reps on one arm, then switching to the other arm, and so on, your arm is resting at least a minute, while the other one pumps, so you could continue this method for a good 3 sets on each arm if you really wanted to.
With a light weight like you are using, you can train again as little as 30 seconds, since 5kgs is not going to put enough stress on your muscles to fatigue them that much.

In short, the more rest you take, the more effort and weight you can use on your next set, which is good for size and strength training.
But if you want to stay lean, stay fit and just toned, rest no more than a minute between sets.Health Question & Answer

Power lifters wait 5 minutes between sets; body builders wait 20 seconds; many athletes blast through lifting for 30 minutes straight. Depends what you want to do. See how you respond to different rest periods. You might find that less rest is better (or maybe the contrary).Health Question & Answer

yes 1 minute is a good rest time between sets
you can make it more or less intense by taking off or adding time to your restHealth Question & Answer

If you want to increase muscle mass you would want to shorten that break to about half a minute and take your reps to 8 to 10.Health Question & Answer

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