Should I eat the most calories in the morning to lose weight?!

Question: Should I eat the most calories in the morning to lose weight.?
I am 6'2" and over 350 pounds, and I want to lose weight. I am on a 1,500-1600 calorie diet, but I'm wondering when I should be eating the most calories. If I go to the gym three days a week at 5 p.m., should I eat the most calories right before that or right after.? Others say that 600 of those calories should be eaten in the morning, with the least amount eaten at dinner. Which is best.?Health Question & Answer

My advice I would bump up those calories a little bit to say 1800-2000. I'm 6ft3in and started off at 293. I ate roughly those numbers and I lost 15 lbs my first month. You don't want to go to low or your metabolism will shut down. I would eat two bigger meals per day. The first one is in the morning because your body has been fasting all night so the extra calories will actually be used. The second bigger meal I would eat right after working out. Your body will take in more calories right after working out and put them to good use like building muscle. Over all try and eat 5-6 times a day to keep your metabolism running high. Hope that helps!
Health Question & Answer

The people who say to eat the most in the morning and the smallest amount at night are correct. Heres what I think is why: If you eat something in the morning, you have the entire day to burn it off! All your daily activities, even breathing, will burn of your calories from earlier. However, if you eat late, you will barely burn off any of the calories before you go to bed. And while you still do burn some calories in your sleep, it's still not much. So I would suggest since your trying to lose weight to eat most of your calories earlier, and DO NOT eat past 8. Many people I know can't lose any weight at all if they eat at night, no matter how healthy theyre eating. Hope I helped. Good luck.Health Question & Answer

Breakfast calories are the least fattening as with most of the day ahead of you they will burn up.

Dinner calories are the most fattening (supper is even worse) as with most of the day behind you they will not burn up.

For the above reasons there is a saying that you should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. Health Question & Answer

In general for over all health and weight loss your biggest calorie count should be mid day. Which may not always be easy given a persons schedule. higher protein should be consumed prior to workingout.Health Question & Answer

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