What are some of the best ways to lower Body Fat Percentage?!

Question: What are some of the best ways to lower Body Fat Percentage.?
i need a really good detailed answer.

10 points best answer, thanks!Health Question & Answer

Wow, one of the few questions asking how to reduce body fat instead of lose weight, good job on realizing body fat is far more important than weight. A good diet needs to be low-calorie, based around 40% protein, 30% low GI carbohydrates, and 30% healthy fats. You need to get plenty of water as well. You should be having 3 small meals a day and 2-3 small snacks to speed up your metabolism.

Don't just go by calories, whether or not the food is healthy matters just as much, contrary to popular belief. Fat-loss is not as simple as the calories consumed and the calories lost. Change whatever your current meal plan is to something more like the following:

Breakfast: Oatmeal, 1 whole egg, 1 orange

Snack: Oat bran bread and a serving of lean chicken

Lunch: Serving of lean beef/ lean chicken/fish, and an apple

Pre-workout Snack: Scoop of Whey protein in water, and a serving of fruit.

Snack (Post-workout): Either have a small serving of fish here, or you can have a protein supplement (Whey is the best) mixed with all natural organic peanut butter, water/milk, and possibly fruit too, especially if this is after a workout

Dinner: Serving of fish

Before bed: Cup of cottage cheese, or a scoop of casein protein

For exercise, do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). HIIT is the most effective cardio exercise, burning fat 9 times more effectively than any other cardio. It should only be done 2-3 times a week, non-consecutively, due to it's intensity. It is also the only cardio that does not burn muscle mass (which will help you reach a nice, toned look).

You should also start weight-training. Muscle mass actually helps burn fat, and females can not get bulky without the use of steroids, since females have 1/10 the amount of testosterone as males. Do weight-training 4-5 times a week, and do HIIT on off days.

Use heavy weights and low reps, I cannot stress this enough, there is so much misinformation about low weights and high reps toning, but that's all completely myths. All low weights and high reps do are increase endurance and completely fatigue slow-twitch muscle fibers, they do not tone!

Another thing you need to know, you require 2 full days of rest minimum for a muscle that you have worked out to repair and rebuild. You can still workout everyday, this just means that for 2 days, the muscle you just worked out will not be worked out.

Here is a sample exercise routine for you:

Monday: Deltoids, Triceps
Tuesday: Traps
Wednesday: HIIT
Thursday: Legs, Forearms
Friday: Chest, Biceps
Saturday: HIIT
Sunday: HIIT

I hope you understood all of that, and if you didn't, you can ask me to clarify anything or give you the science behind it.Health Question & Answer

I will try to answer your question based on what I know about body fat:

Fat in the body is known as 'adipose tissue'. This tissue is made up of adipocytes (cells), where excess fat is stored. We all have a certain number of adipose cells, which I believe is inherited. When we eat in excess, the food that is stored as fat by our bodies is stored in the adipocytes. The individual adipocyte cells can only hold so much fat, and when they are at full capacity, they swell up to (I think) twice their original size. When these cells are full, they simply reproduce. This means the body has an unlimited capacity to store fat. When we lose weight, we don't decrease the amount of adipocytes, we only 'shrink' them by forcing our bodies to use their contents for energy.
Of course, some fat on our bodies is good- it helps nutrient absorption, makes up part of cell walls, and provides cushion for our vital organs.

There are two ways to reduce the amount of fat stored by our bodies: diet and exercise.

When we exercise, our body needs energy, and its preferred source is glucose (aka 'blood sugar'). But our body can only store so much, unlike fat, and when its resources deplete, it then turns to muscle tissue that it will break down for energy. Our body doesn't like to use up its richest source of energy - fat - unless its absolutely necessary (a way of keeping itself alive in times of need). So it turns to muscle tissue next. Losing muscle mass is not a good thing for weight loss. Muscle requires more energy/calories for the body to maintain, and so the more muscle we have, the more calories we burn each day. This is why strength training is so important - it raises your metabolism and prevents you from losing extra muscle mass when you are doing cardiovascular exercises. So, a combination of cardio (which burns fat) and strength training (to maintain muscle) is the perfect way to work out. But all that activity would go to waste without the next component:

A Healthy Diet
Another time that the body may turn to muscle tissue for energy is when we do not eat enough (again, when it runs out of glucose). So it is critical to fuel your body when you are trying to lower your body fat percentage to keep this from happening. As for what we eat, I think a lot of us know that the bulk of our diets should be fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean sources of protein. We all need to have fats in our diets, and not all fats are created equal. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature (like butter). According to the Abs Diet book, this type of fat (and trans fat) is most likely to be stored by the body. In other words, it is least likely to be used for energy/harder to get rid of. It is recommended that saturated fat make up no more than 10% of your daily calories. The good fats, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, are liquid at room temperature (like olive oil). Our total fat intake should be about 20-30% of our daily calories (fat provides 9 calories per gram, no matter the source. So if you are on a 2,000 calorie plan, between 400 and 600 of those calories should come from fats, preferably healthy fats).

Anyway, I think I may have answered your question...I hope I did.Health Question & Answer

My question is did you actually do any research on the subject if you need a really good detailed answer, or is yahoo answers the first thing you hopped on.?Health Question & Answer

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