How much weight do you think i will lose? this is my plan..?!

Question: How much weight do you think i will lose.? this is my plan...?
if i did this diet plan for 2 and a half weeks exactly how much kg's would i lose.?.?

breakfast - banana and 99.9% fat free yogurt

morning tea - fruit

lunch - grilled panini with shredded chicken breast and edam grated cheese and some water

snacks - fruit

tea - vegetables, 1 egg

15 min on the trampoline everyday
20 min on a bike everyday
20 min walk and run everyday
50 sit ups a day
30 min on the treadmill each day
10 push ups a day
4 hours dancing once a week

how much do you think il lose.?.?.?
im 13 by the way
Health Question & Answer

It's hard to say exactly how much weight you would lose, but I think it's safe to assume that you'll lose quite a bit.

I will say this though: Your calories appear to be extremely low. I didn't actually do a calculation but just based on my experience as a nutritionist and trainer, I would say you're taking in at most 1000 calories per day. Of course, this depends on what type of spreads you use in your panino and also what kind of dressing you're using on your vegetables/salads.

At the same time, you seem to be doing quite a high volume of exercise per day. Based on what you've written you will be doing about 1.5 hours of cardio per day plus calisthenics (push ups, sit ups, etc) and 4 hours of dancing per week. Not that there's anything wrong with lots of exercise, but if you're going to be doing this much, I think you will need to eat a lot more than you are planning to. Many people make the mistake of thinking that if 1 hour of daily exercise + 1500 calories will make me lose weight, then 2 hours of exercise + 1000 calories will make me lose even more weight. This is simply not true.

It IS true though, that in order to lose weight effectively, you need to be dieting right and exercising right. But of the 2, diet is far more important. Recent research has shown that even exercising 2 hours per day, EVERY DAY, has zero effect on weight loss without good dietary protocols. And being on a diet does not mean NOT eating. It means eating the right food at the right time to support your goal of fat loss. What you're doing is going to be counter productive in the long run.

That said, I suppose if you're planning to do this STRICTLY for 2.5 weeks ONLY, you could get away with it, but I am still pretty sure that you're going to suffer from extreme fatigue, impaired recovery, and possibly injuries at the end of the 2.5 weeks. Why.? Because you're not giving your body enough time and nutrients to recover. And if you're not recovering well and resting well, don't expect to be burning fat optimally.

But to answer your question: Yes, I do believe you will lose weight and quite a lot. My guess is that you could lose up to 2kgs per week, which is a lot to lose, but that also depends on how fat you are right now because the fatter you are, the more you will lose initially, as compared to someone who has less to lose. But be warned, you will probably lose a lot of muscle along with the fat, and that's not a good thing. You're hurting your metabolism in the long run.

My advice is to rethink your plan. Talk to a nutritionist. In fact, start by talking to your gym/PE coach as they will be able to give you free advice. And if they are worth even their weight in salt, they would tell you the same thing: What you're doing simply isn't safe or smart. You're still young. Spend some time and effort learning how to do it the right way and you'll be prepared for the teenage years ahead. Remember, education is the best investment you will ever make in your life.Health Question & Answer

you will make it all worse with this diet! please consult with someone who really knows how to lose weight... eating less is not the key! eating more often and right food is the little exercising every day and youll see the results Health Question & Answer

hardly any

eat ramen noodles and do 2 sets of 500 crunches and youll weight like its nothingHealth Question & Answer

dnt eat banana if u want to loose your weightHealth Question & Answer

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