When Bench pressing how can I tell if I keep a good form if I do not have a spotter?!

Question: When Bench pressing how can I tell if I keep a good form if I do not have a spotter.?
is there some way I can tell if I am having a keep and have a good form when lifting weights since I do not have a spotter since I the amount I'm benching is at comfortable weight that allows me to do 4-5 reps Health Question & Answer

4-5 reps is what power lifters do because they exert so much energy prior to a long recovery period. You should probably be in the 3 sets of 8-12 reps neighborhood instead. The most basic form is to lower the weight to the point at which your wrists line up with your elbows and your elbows line up with your shoulders. The bar will be centered over your chest. As you decelerate the weight, contract the mid traps and rhomboids (back muscles). If your chest is expending, your back muscles should be shortening creating a balance. The bar does not need to touch your chest because it promotes (a) kipping, (b) shoulder injury (glenohumeral joint impingement) and (c) low back pain as a result of hyperlordosis . The tempo at which you lift means more than how far the bar is lowered. 3-2-1 is a good tempo. Health Question & Answer

Hello, it is well publicised that fad diets are 95% certain to fail. I suggest that you mosey on down to http://loseweight103.notlong.com its an excellent site with lots of free help and support. I shed 9 pounds in six weeks by following their techniques Health Question & Answer

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