How can i loose inches and weight very fast in 2 months only please tell me the tips?!

Question: How can i loose inches and weight very fast in 2 months only please tell me the tips.?
please tell if sauna belt and vlcc centres will be useful.?Health Question & Answer


The equation to losing weight is somewhat complex is but is grounded on a few very simple principles!!

1) You need to know and understand your BMR (basal metabolic rate, or the rate at which your body burns calories for energy when resting, or not doing anything at all)

2) You need to get a clear, honest grip on your caloric intake. How many calories per day are you eating.? Do you know how much of that comes from fat, protein, carbohydrates, etc..?

3) You need to be honest with yourself about how often you exercise, and what kind of physical activity level you are at.

Once you have your BMR (type BMR calculator in Google), you now have your rate at which your body burns calories when resting. Add the amount of calories you burn per day doing activities (if you exercise, add the amount of calories in which you burn), and then you have your total calories burned per day.

In order to lose weight, you need to consume less calories than you burn. Here's an example:

This is Me:

Name: Timothy
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Weight: 154
BMR (Resting!) : 1,790 calories per day
- Walking around campus (about 1 mile per day) : 100-200 calories
- Moderate weight-lifting: 400 calories per hour
- Swim Sprints: 600 calories per hour
- Jogging 3.5 miles: 350 calories

Total Calories Burnt: About 2,900 per day
Total Calories Consumed: About 2,500-3,500 per day

Losing weight is not just about eating less calories than you burn. You also need to have a firm grip on the type of calories you are consuming.

For optimal weight loss, eat less than 10% of your calories from fat. This means that you need to SEVERELY LIMIT your saturated fat intake and eat NO TRANS-FATS. These fats can be highly artificial and will cause you to become obese and are, in high dosages, fatal. Try to eat things that are going to satisfy you (organic wheat, high-fiber items like some raw nuts), egg whites, etc.

I designed a "system" for my girl-friend, for two months. This is what she did (yes, she lost a significant amount of visual weight, and went from about 159 to 142):

Exercise 4-5 times per week, at least 3.6 miles of cardio (elliptical in her case) and mild weight lifting.

Severely limit fat and eliminate saturated and trans-fat intake. Make sure that the fats being consumed are mono and poly-unsaturated fats.

Increase protein and "good" carbohydrate intake.

Eliminate ALL ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS. Artificial sweeteners like Splenda and NutraSweet are VERY detrimental to your physical well-being.

Buy new, nice clothing that fits better as you move along to increase your self-esteem.

I hope this helps a little bit! Good luck on your way! Remember, just limiting calories along will result in a very low result ratio. Health Question & Answer

Atkins Diet. You will lose more in inches than in weight. Cut out and/or count the carbs (no potatoes, no rice, no pasta, no bread, no cereals). Eat more meats and vegetables. Have fruit as desert snacks. Plus add some cardio and weight training (min 3-4 times per week for 1 hour). You will look awesome. Remember the more muscle you have the more fat you will burn. I learned all this from my husband who was a certified fitness trainer and nutritional consultant. Health Question & Answer

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