Has anyone done the weight watchers program?!

Question: Has anyone done the weight watchers program.?
i would maybe like to try it but i'm just wondering is it usually older people at the meeting.? i'm almost 20 and don't wanna feel out of place. also is the points program the only one they have or do they have different programs.? And how much are the memberships usually.? How often are the meetings and how long.? Health Question & Answer

Yes 2 years ago. I did the weight watchers programme. I managed to lose 48lbs in just over 6 months. I have since then been able to maintain my weight with ease.

By the way I am twice your age, but really you should not be put off by all us old fogies. There are all ages at Weight Watchers. The meetings are once a week. You weigh in and then there is a meeting after. The meetings are really informative. It is really inspiring to meet other people who are in the same position as you.

Anyway, I followed their Core Plan. Which is basically a low fat eating plan. There is no counting points or weighing on this plan. But certain foods do have to be accounted for by way of points. Which you are given on a daily basis. So no foods are forbidden, but just limited.

Weight Watchers educated me on healthy eating, and controlling my portions. I now make healthy choices most of the time, but no foods are forbidden.

One thing you do have to remember though. Is once you have reached your target weight, you can't go back to your old eating habits. Otherwise you will put all the weight back on again. It is as simple as that.

Give Weight Watchers a go. It worked for me. I hope it will work for you.Health Question & Answer

It wouldn't cost you anything to go into one of these places and get the answers to all of your questions. But ask yourself this. Could this maybe be something that you would want to live by for the rest of your life.? Maybe not.
If you want to loose weight fast in a healthy way, you could pick up a book on Atkins. There is a jump start that you could do and then throughout your life if there is ever 10-15 lbs you need to loose quick, you could just do the jump start again. This you might be able to live with. also, I am entering a little information that you have probably never thought about before, simply natural living.
The body is designed to take care of itself. Your stomach is the size of the palm of your hand so if ever you eat more food in one sitting than fits in your hand, you are overeating.
Begin your day with oatmeal, it will stay with you longer throughout the day. Eat 3 nutritional meals a day, spread throughout the day. Don't let your stomach feel too hungry or you'll overeat and feel stuffed and miserable.
Everything you do eat, eat it very slow and chew every bite very slow and savor every flavor. Don't ever gulp anything down.
Don't ever eat anything for 3 hours before you go to sleep because your body goes into a fix mode as soon as you fall asleep and that includes fat burning.
Take a good multivitamin, B-complex and Chromium Picolinate to aid in cravings and the processing of sugars.
Don't drink sodas which have no nutritional value what-so-ever and don't consume caffeine. Caffeine raises your blood pressure and your body slows the metabolism to compensate.
Don't forget to play. Run, skip, jump a rope, swing, swim, play ball and dance, dance, dance.
Eating slow is the way to eat. It should take you 45 min to 1 hour just to eat a dinner the size of your palm and you'll stay fuller longer because that in itself speeds your metabolism.
For the rest of your life, just eat the right size portions very slowly and you'll never have a problem.
Health Question & Answer

I did Weight Watchers about four years ago and loved it! I'm am just not a dieter at all and this actually was easy to keep up with. The key is having motivation and support -- hence they encourage you to go to meetings. However, for me I too didn't like going to meetings, not only because they're usually full of older women (I'm in my late 20s) but I'm just not into hanging out in groups and talking to people. also, I didn't want to have to pay fees. For my support, my sister, brother and mother were on it at the time too so we all called each other and exchanged ideas and recipes. I'm not sure about the prices now since I'm sure they've changed by now, but you can go to their website for that info. There were two different plans back then, one was a points system which I chose to do. I know the whole counting points things sounds stupid and tedious but really the whole idea is teaching you to make better choices and learning portion sizes. As for my results, I lost 18 pounds and was able to keep it off for a good 2-3 years. Now I've gained the weight back because I'm not watching what I eat because of stress, but when I'm ready to diet again I will definitely do Weight Watchers again. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

If I were you, I would stay away from weight watchers. There foods claim to have 0 grams of trans fat, but if you read the label they contain hydrogenated oils, which are pure trans fat. How can they get away with this.? The FDA states that if a food product has .5 grams or less of trans fat, the company can go ahead and claim 0 grams trans fat. Now considering the American Heart Association states you should have less than 2 grams of trans fat per day...do you really want to go with a corporation that dupes people on their product labels.?
Health Question & Answer

Hi there, it is commonly acknowledged that diets never work permanently. I suggest that you go on down to http://loseweight103.notlong.com its a great site with great free, sound advice. I ditched 7 pounds in five weeks by using their methods Health Question & Answer

The best i found was a green tea called wu-yi green tea. I ordered mine from http://www.wu-yireviews.com and they offer a free trial. I've been using it for about 10 weeks now and i feel and see the difference. EnjoyHealth Question & Answer

Diet Tips-
http://cybexmedical.com/Health Question & Answer

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