Why do you feel good when you eat healthily?!

Question: Why do you feel good when you eat healthily.?
When you get hungry, your body is craving nutrients. When you chose to fill your body with nutritious foods like vegetables or fruits, you are fulfilling your body's craving. If you were to fill yourself with unhealthy foods, you would become full, but it would be only temporary as there are less nutrients found in processed foods. Essentially, the more nutrients your body is fed, the less hungry you will be. Additionally, if you eat better, you body and mind work better, which releases serotonin (chemicals in the brain that make you happy). It's just better to eat healthy.. and trust me, I know it can be hard!Health Question & Answer

Our body needs vitamins to get the whole system working normally. Red meat, white meat and vegetables. Besides, our body also prefers to have some fruits. In summer and winter our body needs enough of water to keep ourselves cool or warm. During our lunch and supper to have some soup is good for our health, too.
It`s not a bad idea to have a few drinks during holidays or weekends.
You feel good, you eat well and you sleep well!Health Question & Answer

the foods are more readily digested and used by your body. a well fed body and brain function better resulting in you feeling better.Health Question & Answer

because the food is more readily accepted by tour body and you feel good mentally knowing that you're taking good care of yourself. Health Question & Answer

I DONT!!!!!!
Health Question & Answer

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