Does diet coke prevent weight loss at all?!

Question: Does diet coke prevent weight loss at all.?
I do hear many rumours about this but wondered if there is any truth at all to it.?
I drink ONE CAN of DIET COKE each day almost without fail. Rarely more, and rarely never. It is sort of my ;afternoon snack' and i really enjoy it. It isatisfies my sweet craving and fills me up somewhat so i don't need to eat anything and gets me from lunch to tea...i dont drink coffee ever and only the occasional cup of tea, so my caffeine intake overall is pretty low.
However I really struggle to loose any weight when following a diet. I am not particualrly overweight, i would like to loose 5-10lbs, but my body wont have it whatever I eat whatever I do and I wondered if this could be a problem or if most people consider it to be rubbish.?!Health Question & Answer

There is some evidence that the ingestion of artificial sweetners boost insulin levels which promotes fat storage how solid this information is is up for debate. I personally try to avoid artifical sweetners as much as possible simply because they are unnatural and there is some evidence linked to health issues and besides you dont need them.

On the surface it sounds like you are craving sugar and are substituting this with artificial sweetners. A solid balanced diet of healthy nutrient dense food should eliminate most cravings.
The body is a relatively simple machine when it comes to weight loss its mostly about calories in versus calories out but also partly the type of calories you consume.

If you are struggling with weight loss you havent got your programme right you may want to speak to a nutritionist or join a gym and get some advice from a trainer. But if your not overweight its likely you just need to tone up a bit you'll be amazed at how much putting on a little lean muscle and shedding some body fat does for body image.

good luck

Health Question & Answer

No, diet Coke does not prevent weight loss. Since it has caffeine, it is a diuretic and will actually make you lose some water. That is why when you are adding up your fluid intake for the day, you only count half of what you had when it contains caffeine. (Note that some will say to drink a certain amount of water each day, but in reality you can count anything that is liquid at room temperature towards your daily fluid intake.)Health Question & Answer

Stay away from anything called "DIET". The food and drug industry uses this term to MAKE MONEY.

I used to drink gallons of diet coke everyday thinking it was okay and I had rolls of fat and had a hard time controlling my appetite and weight.

Since I learned the truth, my weight has dropped 40 lbs. and that's without any exercise. I no longer have sugar cravings and snacks are a thing of the past.

Take my advice and just avoid anything man made and especially so-called diet stuff.Health Question & Answer

to all the people that said no slow down! diet coke's sweetener is aspartame, our bodies DO NOT have the enzyme to break this down. it is not healthy and i CAN lag weight loss. do some research before you tell people someone like this. just because it says diet does not mean its good for youHealth Question & Answer

There's a brilliant site that I've been reading for a few weeks now, it's got oodles of free help and advice and demonstrates to you how to shed some pounds the correct way, without dieting. I ditched 5 pounds in three weeks by doing as they advised http://loseweight101.notlong.comHealth Question & Answer

Why would you want to prevent weight loss, if you are that skinny you should not be drinking diet anything but if that is your desire, just have about a hand full of skittles with each drink,that should do it.Health Question & Answer

Diet coke is not the problem. At some point we all level out with weight loss, I suggest talking to your doctor about a diet that might work for you or pumping up the amount of exercise that you are currently doing. Health Question & Answer

I quit drinking diet coke in Febrauary and I haven't dropped a pound. I highly doubt that one can is causing you to not lose weight. Do you excercise.? Try taking up walking and I bet you lose that 5 pounds. Health Question & Answer

As long as it's diet, it won't hold you back too much. The concern is the amount of carbs. All those bubbles get into your blood and slow it down so it causes your weight loss to slow down.Health Question & Answer

diet coke means jack crap.
get on the tredmill, go for walks and get some excercise if you wanna loose weight.
stick to salads and low fat stuff.Health Question & Answer

dat's bullshyt diet coke doesn't make you gain weight then why did they invented it in the first place.? they call it a "diet" coke for a reason.Health Question & Answer

not at all but stops you from gain moor weightHealth Question & Answer

no, diet coke does not prevent eight loss. B/c i used to drink regular coke a lot, thinking it was okay. but then i realized coke was making me gain weight b/c of all the sugar. I then started drinking either diet coke or water or any lower cal and low sugar drink and i lost weight quite quickly. like 5-10 lbs in just a few days. What kinds of foods are u eating. Stick to low fat and low cal foods. Do you eat a lot of meat.? maybe you should cut back on meat and substitute w/ beans or tofu. I find not eating meat leads to fastr weight loss also.Health Question & Answer

If you are attempting to shed weight, it is pivotal to appreciate that it cannot be done adequately overnight. There are thousands of products on the web. It is best to stay away from weight loss pills, as they seldom live up to the expectations. Many products also promise to get rid of certain types of fat. For example, ab machine manufacturers claim that you can get rid of stomach fat. This is not true. They will not remove the fat around the belly. These machines simply strengthen the center muscles while keeping the fat on the surface. Whatever you are attempting to attain with your weight loss goals, keep away from products that sound too good to be true.Health Question & Answer

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