Will you actually lose weight if you throw up your food?!

Question: Will you actually lose weight if you throw up your food.?
I don't think you do. I think some food must stay behind.Health Question & Answer

Probably not. It is possible that you will lose weight due to being malnourished, but it isn't fat you'll be losing, it's going to be muscle and stuff. You'll start to get very sick.

What will eventually happen, is you will slow your metabolism, which will make it almost impossible to lose any more weight, and you will start gaining weight like crazy.

Self-induced vomiting is extremely bad for you, too. The acids in your stomach will do similar things to your body as if you were drinking battery acid. It will tear apart the flesh in your esophagus, and it will start to eat away at your teeth, corroding them and decaying them. You will lose the enamel on them and end up with sensitive, cavity filled teeth that are painful and ugly. You will make yourself very sick and you will feel a lot of pain from your throat to your stomach from where the acids are eating away at your flesh.

So, your answer is, yes, you will lose a few pounds very dangerously, maybe, but you will start gaining weight twice as fast immediately following.Health Question & Answer

You will actually lose some weight, but it's a very dangerous thing to do. Some people get addicted to it and keep on doing it over and over again until eventually it will kill them. also, when you barf food up, acid goes up with it too because there is this type of acid in your stomach which dissolves the food, and after a while the acid will burn your throat. Health Question & Answer

You could lose weight but also harm your health. As somebody already mentioned the acid in your stomach will harm your throat lining and your teeth enamel, you can also get a metabolic imbalance. It is very dangerous! so please if you want to lose weight try other ways.Health Question & Answer

Yes, some food will stay behind but if you throw up most of it you will lose weight. I know some skinny bulimics who are skinny because of it. But the stomach acid will rot your teeth and eventually destroy your esophagus. It's a terrible addiction.Health Question & Answer

No. In fact you can gain weight as it may screw up your metabolism. And it will **** up your stomach.Health Question & Answer

I would rather be 300 pounds than have to throw up every time I put something in my mouth. I am terrified of throwing up. Health Question & Answer

At the very least you'll get an eating disorder.Health Question & Answer

Nah... You just gradually get Weaker, Sicken & Die... -& People will ask, "What was WRONG with the Girl...?" :0Health Question & Answer

oh yes.then you will die.Health Question & Answer

yes cause its just like craping but from your mouthHealth Question & Answer

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