Need help w/ push ups....?!

Question: Need help w/ push ups.....?
i need pointers to help me w/ doing push ups, because well, i suck at them. i can only do welll let me count

i can do zero pushups! Im not over weight, i work on my upper body strength, and ya. so what am i supposed to do.? i need help on this because i have a fitness test in P.E. coming up soon and i gotta get at least 3 push ups to pass. HELP ME!! (btw i have a personal trainer but she thinks that im doing it correctly . but how am i if i can do none.? help plz :)Health Question & Answer


k, so doing a proper push-up, not the knees-pushup, is about the same as doing the bench press or chest-press machine with 40-50% of your body weight. i.e. if you can do three chest presses at 50 pounds and you weigh 120, or if you can do 70 pounds and weigh 150, then you can do the push-ups.

If you can't do the 40% mark, either your chest or your triceps are too weak. I'm going to assume you have access to a gym since you have a trainer so try this:

Do all of these in 4 sets of 6 @ 80% of your 1RepMax
Chest Press Machine
Pec Dec Flye Machine
Military Press
Overhead Tricep Extension
Cable Pressdowns or tricep kickbacks

Do all those three times a week and remember that if you can do more than 6 reps in one set, you need to get a heavier weight. Don't be afraid, you're stronger than you think you are.

Good luck!

P.S. If you don't know what 80% of your one rep max is, then on each exercise find a weight that, no matter how hard you try, you can't lift it any more than once. Then multiply that many pounds by 80% and that's what you should be using. If you have any questions feel free to message me or email me at ryanaeckles@yahoo.comHealth Question & Answer

I don't get it, your personal trainer says you're doing it correct but you think you can't do 1.? If you can't do any try against the wall first, then move to a chair and maybe to some books then to the floor because they get harder the more level you are. You can practice in the mirror if you have one low enough or at the gym. I never felt like my body was straight when I did them in the Army but I always passed the tests. I am sure they won't be too hard on you or expect them to be perfect in gym class.Health Question & Answer

Make sure your arms are almost, if not exactly, under your shoulders to do a right push up. This way, you're not using your pectorals, but your biceps. You say you're working upper body, which means you should be able to do push ups, try working your biceps more. I like to do knuckle push ups but I don't think it makes it easier, so keep your hands flat on the ground. Maybe you could do practice pushups and just do more and more each night. Try starting out by not going all they way down. also, once you can do that, try holding yourself at halfway down. It's pretty hard, but you'll get better at pushups.Health Question & Answer

Women have a harder time with push-ups because their center of gravity is lower (at the hips, vs at the chest for men). Start by doing push-ups on your knees, they're not very difficult. Do as many as you can for a little while and then when you get comfortable with that try to do them the regular way.

Another way you could do it, which is a little harder and less rewarding the short run, is to just lay on the ground and try to do a push up. Do it for say three minutes every day, EVENTUALLY you will be able to do a push up from the ground.Health Question & Answer

Maybe if there are other exercises you can do that work the same muscles as push-ups. also maybe you could try practicing doing push-ups with enough pillows under your legs and stomach, maybe that will make it much easier and you can try to do as many as you can in that position even if it's too easy.

also I've heard many great things about that thing called "The Perfect Push-Up" apparently it's a lot easier than doing normal push-ups yet you feel your muscles working even better.Health Question & Answer

watch your elbows because they may be placed inccorectly,
put your arms srtaight in front of you so that they are inline with your shoulders. Keep a straight back,
I would just practice holding myself up first in the correct postion

then just work some more on your upper body strength and TA DA!

Hope that helps!Health Question & Answer

Do them while resting on your knees, or you can do them using a couch arm as a place for your hands. There will be less weight and you should be able to progress to a straight position on the floor in a few weeks.Health Question & Answer

I agree practice them against the wall, but really try to use your muscles when you are doing it, then practice with your knees on the ground, really try to use your muscles here as well then you will be able to do them regularly.Health Question & Answer

If you're able to do them with your knees on the ground, I'd practice them that way to strengthen your arms. If you do them like this enough, you should be able to get them the proper way.Health Question & Answer

ha! i have that same test coming up. Well i usually do alot of sit ups and then do push ups. some people find it easier if you have your hands in a fist while your doing need more upper body strength.Health Question & Answer

A good way to learn is to first practice handstand pushups.
This will help you so that when you go to do normal push ups, you will have no problem!Health Question & Answer

practice lifting dumbells and increase your bicep/tricep strength- it will REALLY help!!


Good luck!Health Question & Answer

first do wall pushup push ur self up andaway from the wall then do girly pushups on your knees then procede to regular pushups and experiment with the placement of your arms from close to wide and try that! Health Question & Answer

start off my just doing push ups with your knees on the ground. Do as much as you can twice a day and sooner or later you'll build enough strength to do regular push upsHealth Question & Answer

practice doing them against the wall everyday, at least tenHealth Question & Answer

practice by going on your knee's instead of your toes. this makes it a lot easier
hope this will help you passHealth Question & Answer

try building some pectoral strength by doing elevated push-ups first( your legs forming about a 30 degree angle to the floor, find a surface to lean against and start out with those push-ups to get some form, technique and strength)... also, a good way of building the type of strength is benchpressing... now, by the sounds of it, you're no juggernaught, so you should be happy enough if you can manage to do about 3 sets of 10 - 15 reps with just the bar on the benchpress without any added weights.. if you can add some weights, all the better... furthermore, you need to realise that there are ways of cheating at this, and they probably won't call you out on it if it's a simple P.E. exam..the further away you space your arms, the easier it will be come to do a push-up (because, naturally, you will be able to gain much less height on eac pushup).. however, this can become a pitfall, if you prepare this way and then they ask to see your elbow at a 90 degree angle on every pushup, which some overzealous underpaid educators might... make sure to keep the entire body straight at all times, and find a position that's comfortable for the palms of your hands.. to try out the first couple of times on the floor, stand against a wall or some support point with your feet (at the gym you can simply as your teacher to support your feet from behind you).. also note that some people find it easier if they cross their legs( whilst keeping them straight), with one foot over the achille's heel of the stronger foot which will be planted down, thus gaining a tripod position, which is more comfortable for some... hope this helps, and hope you pass with flying colours Health Question & Answer

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