Can milk suppress your appetite? Is it healthy to drink it if you're trying to lose weight and you're hungry?!

Question: Can milk suppress your appetite.? Is it healthy to drink it if you're trying to lose weight and you're hungry.?
Yes it is, fat free milk is a great source of protein, calcium and most other nutrients. It has been proven that it aids weight loss too.Health Question & Answer

I think its probably pretty healthy and would suppress your appetite some since it fills your stomach up. I've seen that getting more calcium can help you lose more weight.?

Milk does have about 80 cals per 8 oz though (skim). A serving of fruit or vegetables is usually about that amount or less, so you could just eat a healthy snack instead- an apple or cup of berries or chopped vegetables. That might be also more filling.? I guess just pick whatrever works best for you, either way its probably pretty healthy and good if you're on a diet, just don't drink whole milk:)Health Question & Answer

Some people can't tolerate milk.. Chinese people can't have yoghourt or milk products... it doesn't agree with them.. drink plenty of water.. that will make your stomach fuller and it cleanses from the inside.. not tap water.. proper bottled water.. or it has to be filtered tap water... and eat a salad before the main meal.. that's why they serve salads in restaurants first also.. salad, too contains mainly water so if you eat a bowl of water .. it can have tomato in it.. it will give you an extra feeling of fullness and salad is not fattening... if you don't use fattening salad dressing.. .then you will be able to eat a smaller meal and not be hungry.. and always drink a glass of water and eat an apple or some fruit.. when you get hungry.. that is one way of losing weight apart from Lol Question Queen.. are you ever actually going to bed.. whenever I am online.. so are you.. I guess you manage with just 2 hrs of sleep... TC !Health Question & Answer

yeah. but water is better, no caloriesHealth Question & Answer

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