Is it possibile to train my body so i dont like to eat sweets?!

Question: Is it possibile to train my body so i dont like to eat sweets.?
just curious i mean i dont wanna eat them so much it's a weakness lol i try to eat goood it's hard though i wanna gain muscle and not fattt ahh gotta stay away from these ice cream cones and cookies! Health Question & Answer

Well I will give you my take on this. It has been about 5 years since I've had like candy, cookies, ice cream, soda. I have to say I am not tempted by them at all. I think the ONLY way to stop yourself completely from wanting them is to not have them at all. Because if you eat it on occasion your body will remember how good it tastes and you will be tempted to eat it again. I know this because I have had pizza like once every 5-6 months over the last 5 years and I cannot get rid of the craving because I let my body have it. If you get rid of it completely for a few years you will not be tempted anymore. That is the hard part. Once that happens though, you have no problem at all going without it. Health Question & Answer

Eat as many fruits, vegetables and nuts (include sliced almonds) as you can stuff yourself with.
Do not eat anything with high fructose corn syrup in it.
If you have an aldi's near you buy a lot of their dried fruits, especially the blueberries.
Make smoothies with whey protien, sliced almonds and wolfberries. Have one hershey with almonds every day.
Try to eat turkey breast meat as much as you can, and nori seaweed.
It is definitely possible to change your tastes, because a g/f did it to me.Health Question & Answer

It depends on you, some people can stop cold turkey and others have to have some to prevent going crazy. I stopped cold turkey one day, and even when I eat sweets now, they don't taste as good. It's kinda hard not to be around bad food when you go out, but get rid of it at home so at least you won't be as tempted. You can also add splenda to stuff, eat yogurt/fruit, or use chocolate whey protein. blend chocolate whey into cottage cheese (+natural pb), tastes like chocoalte/pb pudding and it's full of slow digesting protein/low in carbs.Health Question & Answer

every now and then its ok to have some sweets. otherwise you will go crazy and if you keep fighting it off there could be a time where you just indulge. so a bowl of ice cream from time to time will be ok, if i have some ice cream i put some melted peanut butter on itHealth Question & Answer

If you eat healthy for the majority of the time you may notice when you have sweets they don't seem as good as they used to. Sweets are alright occasionally.Health Question & Answer

Put a rubber band on your wrist. Whenever you think about cookies or whatnot pull it as hard as you can and let go. After a while your brain will equate craving sweets with pain and will stop doing it.Health Question & Answer

I have this problem, big time!! I consider myself addicted to sugar and go on sugar binges at times.

My husband started omitting "white" foods- flour, rice, potatoes, sugar and said he felt so much better, losing weight too. I thought I was too addicted to be able to do it. After a few weeks I started researching the Atkins diet (this was a few months before the big explosion of its popularity) and decided to give it a try.

It took a few days for the sugar cravings to dissipate, but they did!! I lost a pound a day for the first eleven days, then 2-3 lbs. per week for a total of 43 lbs. I kept it off for a year, then started backsliding periodically. Every time I would cheat by eating stuff with sugar or flour (pizza for example), I would fall off the wagon. It would take a while to get through my binge, but then I'd start up again and the cravings would go away. I've "yo-yoed" several times but have managed to keep at least half or more of what I lost off. I realize that yo-yo dieting is bad for my health, but like I said, I'm addicted!! I always hope that "this time" will be the last. I think that low carbing is the only way people like me have any chance of controlling a sugar craving/addiction.

Hope this helps. :)

PS. When I just HAVE TO HAVE something, I make sure I have protein with it, such as peanut M&Ms instead of plain ones. That way my insulin level doesn't shoot way up, putting myself at higher risk of developing diabetes.Health Question & Answer

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