My calves hurt while jogging...?!

Question: My calves hurt while jogging....?

Three weeks ago I started jogging and am following the couch to 5K. I ran the first week and my calves hurt, I knew it was lack of exercise. So I decided to run it again the next week, my friend started this week so I kept running the first week so she could run with me. This will be week 3 of running week 1 of the program and my calves hurt so bad after the 2nd run I can hardly stand it. I want to quit by run #4. I stretch and after but I can't get them to stop hurting, they feel contracted all the time. I even went out and bought "running shoes" for a running store. Please help me and tell me if there is anything I am doing wrong or something to ease the pain, I don't want to stop jogging, but the pain is bad! I can hardly walk the next day. So any suggestionsHealth Question & Answer

Wow - I totally hear you - I just started running and in the beginning my calves felt like they were going to explode! They were just burning! It was awful! But I think what helped me was simply getting use to running - they just stopped hurting after awhile. also - I swim, and honestly, that does help somehow.

Try going to a pool and just doing a few laps - slowly, just relaxing kind of swimming. If you don't want to do that - try heat - a hot bath - a sauna if you have access or a hot tub.

also - I know you said you stretch, but make sure you stretch BEFORE you run and then after as well. A really good stretch for your calves is - find a step - or anything that is about only 3 inches high (I even use tree roots in the park I run in). Step on it with the ball of your foot and then lean forward until you feel the stretching in your calf. I am sure you know what I am trying to say. But make sure you give yourself ample time to stretch. That will make a lot of difference.

Anyway - just don't quit. Running is great - and lets admit it - runners have the nicest legs! Theres a reason your calves hurt - just push through it and hopefully this will help! Good luck!

Oh - and whoever said don't stretch - uh - what.?.?.?.? Yeah - stretching is GOOD! Go to any gym and talk to ANY trainer or fitness person. Stretching does help.Health Question & Answer

Its called shin splints!! They hurt a lot!Health Question & Answer

thats normal. just take a break from it for a lil while. pain is gain, but if it hurts so bad u can barley walk, then take a lil break, about a day, or until the pain is barable, but u should always have a lil pain. eventually u will be able to do more with less pain. Muscle weighs more than fat, don

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