Why is it so hard to eat in the morning?!

Question: Why is it so hard to eat in the morning.?
I have huge loss of appetite in the morning and feel like i am going to throw up if i force myself to eat. How can I develop a breakfast habit.Health Question & Answer

i'm the same way. i can't eat meat like eggs and bacon or pancakes in the morning otherwise i feel sick to my stomach all day. i start small, like have a small bowl of cereal and a cup of tea and a piece of fruit. i don't like to force myself to eat heavy foods.

you should experiment with small, light foods that won't make you feel sick. try some fruit, or a granola bar, or have cereal. have some ginger ale with your breakfast to prevent nausea throughout the day. if you don't eat breakfast, you'll feel weird throughout the day and may overeat at lunchtime.

the perfect breakfast for me is a bowl of cereal, an apple, and a small cup of ginger ale. :)Health Question & Answer

I had the same problem when I was approaching puberty. Proper diet helped me. It could be a genetic thing with you but it was probably puberty with me. You're wise to be thinking about this. Dietary supplements formulated specifically for your genetic makeup (your DNA) are being studied by the U.S. military and are available from only one source that I know of at present. However, there are at least fifteen links to news articles, print and video, at the link given below. They are from CNN, Fox News, Wired, UC Berkeley, ABC News, Time, Newsweek and others. For specific information about the products, be sure to check the second link.Health Question & Answer

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