If I walk one mile and take large steps will it still be a mile? or if I take smaller steps will it be over a ?!

Question: If I walk one mile and take large steps will it still be a mile.? or if I take smaller steps will it be over a .?
a mile I walked.?Health Question & Answer

A mile is mile in distance, no matter how you get there.Health Question & Answer

if you think about it, say from your house to the store is one mile. If you go by car its still a mile, if you're on a bike its still a mile, if you're walking its still a mile. It doesn't matter how fast you're going. So, if you walk a mile, no matter how big or little steps you take it will be the same as long as you stop at the mile point. Think about math, 1 inch is one inch no matter what, so 1 mile is 1 mile.

PS. i used time as a example im not saying its the same thing.Health Question & Answer

WOW where do these people come from.? LOL I can't believe some of these questions....And, I can't believe they are serious questions ( the ones like this )

Here are some similar questions...food for thought...These make as much sense as the question asked...Sheesh....Just plain scary....

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Do you get my drift.....Come on People....Some questions are so not relevant, this is pretty much a waste of time...but I couldn't help myself. Laugh with me !! This is pure entertainment sometimes......Health Question & Answer

A mile is a mile no matter how you travel it. Drive it in a car or walk backwards, you have still traveled a mile. Now the calories burned to travel that same mile will vary depending on whether you walk at a brisk pace, jog or walk slowly. Health Question & Answer

A mile is a unit of distance. Just like other units such as centimetres and kilometres. However you look at it a mile is a mile. You can walk a mile in a million steps or a thousand, it's still a mile. Health Question & Answer

A mile is an absolute measure of distance, and it doesn't change whether you walk it, run it, take a bike or a car. You just transverse it faster.Health Question & Answer

1 mile is 1 mile! No difference how big your steps are...

like 1 lb of feathers and 1 lb of rocks BOTH weigh 1 lb!Health Question & Answer

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