Best answer gets 10pts, because I really need help with this.?!

Question: Best answer gets 10pts, because I really need help with this..?
It is so hard for me to stick to a diet. Any good advice appreciated.Health Question & Answer

OK, here's the 10 point answer you wanted.

Don't diet.

I'm not kidding. The problem with a diet is that it calls to mind a whole new plan and vast changes to what you do, just because it seems like a good idea at the time. This gets so wacky that people even use diets where someone else cooks the food and sends it to you in the mail! Forget all clubs, meetings, scales, workbooks -get that stuff outta here!

Ah, but you still want to lose weight, don't you.?

Actually, that's only PART of what you want. What you want -really want- is to like the way you look, to feel good, and to get some feedback that says you're attractive. That's the truth, isn't it.? I mean, if you lost 50 pounds tonight but looked like crap -would that make you happy.? I doubt it.

So here's what you do: You will make some subtle changes here and there, changes you can repeat and incorporate into your life without really thinking about it. Let's start with exercise. I'm not talking about the gym or ordering some stupid big rubber ball and a DVD. I'm talking about parking your car 10 spaces further away from the entrance to the mall or supermarket. I'm talking about adding steps to wherever you walk. I'm talking about running up a few steps now and then. I'm talking about taking the shopping cart back into the store instead of the corral in the lot.

I'm also talking about activity -any activity, anything that stimulates your brain. Your brain, after all, is a hungry critter and takes LOTS of enery to operate properly. So -exercise it.

And you might want to consider joing something, such as Habitat for Humanity, which involves some physical work. The work is also social, so you sort of have fun while you're doing it.

BUT -whatever it is, make it something you might do whether your weight were an issue or not, AND, whatever it is, make sure it involves very little actual change in your habits. That way, you can enforce the change OVER TIME.

OK, the food. Every diet -EVERY diet- is a low calories diet. That is the only way to get the weight off -burn up more than you take in, period. So, what you do is to change your intake so as to dial protein UP, and dial carbohydrates DOWN. I said DIAL -just make an adjustment -no sweeping, massive changes. Your body makes fat from sugar, and your body makes sugar from carbohydates. Making fat out of protein can be done -it just takes more energy to do it -and that means digesting proteins uses more energy than digesting crabs, OK.? So, go ahead and get that cheeseburger -and toss one of the buns. Go ahead with the fries -but leave 5 or 6 behind. If you can do it, add some fiber to your diet -whole grain bread instead of white. Make enormous salads with as much of any kind of dressing you want. Every now and then, you will say to yourself, "Self, I can really do without that piece of pie." Great, do without it. But the rule is you do NOT force yourself to do or not do anything -it is all about adjustments.

Finally, your understanding. Go to the bookstore and browse through all the diet books that explain how your metabolism works. If the Adkins diet works, WHY does it work.? Get a copy of "Sugar Busters" and similar books. You want to read the material that talks about how your body uses food, and how you can read and understand the labels on food. Forget their recipes and meal planners -just get it into your head about how it all works. Do not mess with miracle diets, 14 days to drop a dress size, and all the crap in the magazines. What you want is for a little bell to go off in your head when you look at or think about food and eating -you want awareness, and you want it based on SCIENCE, not the popular barf in women's magazines and television personalites.

Fluids. Fluids, water, is good. They don't "clean you out" or any of that pack of lies -what they do is keep you going, keep things in motion inside of you.

Weighing in. If you must weigh yourself, do it every 2 or 3 weeks. Otherwise, be more guided by your sense of well being, a little more looseness in your clothing, and the extra time some nice looking guy takes to scope you out. Much of the change will be reflected in your personality and the way you come across to people.

Incremental change -a bit at a time. It adds up, over time, and maybe not as much time as you think. But that's just it, doing it my way means you needn't think about it too much. Now, get on with your life, enjoy it.Health Question & Answer

the reason why people put on wieght is because they put in energy but dont put out energy as much. (get it.?) like you eat alot of food but exccerse not as much as you eat. so if you cant stick to your diet, and exercise 30mins a day then you can use the strategy of eating half of each food you normally eat. for example you normally eat a bowl of rice, cut back and only eat half of wat you normally eat. Health Question & Answer

Eliminating food or beginning to take only drinks or some specific diets as a route to healthy weight loss is very dangerous. What it will do it might make you lose a few pounds, look and feel lighter but in the real sense you are not shedding fat but instead muscle. This usually leaves you with more body fat than you started with.
For a healthy weight loss, what you need is the adoption of a healthy and sufficient diet in terms of quantity as well as quantity. Ones diet should be composed of the essentials such as calcium, grains, fruits, etc. As part of a sensible weight-loss program, follow this -

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