What is up with my stomach?!

Question: What is up with my stomach.?
I literally can't eat anything, whether it's low-fat or not, without my stomach getting all big. I'm 14 & have had this thick fat ruff for 2 years.I do ab exercises every day & generally stay away from fast food, pastries, potato chips, sodas etc. It's not related to my period. If I really eat little for about a week, it goes way down but is never flat. Health Question & Answer

hmmmmm..There can be a number of reasons why you are unable to minimize your "mid-section". One of which (if you can believe it) might be that you don't eat enough. My advice to you is to try not to obsess over it. The best way to combat any "stored energy" (what we often refer to as fat) is to stay active (like participating in sports or other activities that cause an increase in your heart rate and burns calories). Stay active, continue to watch what you eat and have fun being 14.. Health Question & Answer

You should definitely see a doctor about this. My older sister had this problem, whenever we went out to eat, her belly would get all big and she would have to suck it in until it went normal hours later. Health Question & Answer

Well, go to ur doctor or something and see wats going on. That's kinda strange.Health Question & Answer

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