Why are we Americans so lazy that we try to lose weight by "eating all the food we want!", with pills that...?!

Question: Why are we Americans so lazy that we try to lose weight by "eating all the food we want!", with pills that....?
don't require exercise, and we even have surgery to make our stomach smaller or suck out all the fat.

I heard some statistic that 64% of Americans are overweight or Obese. why don't people get of their couches and walk to the park every day or something. Kudos for the people who actually try to lose weight the old fashioned way though.Health Question & Answer

It's a long viscous cycle, and it starts with parents. Parents must encourage their children to be physically active. Instead of playing outside, or playing sports, kids are inside playing video games. Parents also need to encourage healthy eating habits. Eating fast food multiple times a week is horrendous. Not only is it high in calories, it is promoting the idea that speed comes before nutrition. Parents need to set examples for their children, even if they are too "busy" to cook healthy meals or take their kids to soccer practice.

Schools are also to blame. Cafeteria lunches are unhealthy in every way. Soda, snacks and candy are offered, along with ice cream.
Nutrition classes are few and far between, and if they exist, they are usually a joke of a class.

All this carries on into adult hood.

At this point, it is the individual's responsibility and NO ONE else's.

The only people who have an excuse to be overweight are those with under-active thyroids. THAT'S IT, in my book (minus other extreme instances, of course).

I also think the abundance of meat and dairy in the diet have a roll to play. As countries become more affluent, and more able to have these things, obesity sky rockets. Meat and dairy are high in calories, saturated fat, and cholesterol. Compare the obesity rates of non-vegetarians to vegetarians and vegans. The difference is astonishing. Health Question & Answer

Your probably one of those overweight or obese americans. I am very skinny and very far from being that. also most americans I see on the road or at stores aren't overweight or obese. Health Question & Answer

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