I want to be taller :] what food should i eat?!

Question: I want to be taller :] what food should i eat.?
Yes i know i got genes from my parents and i dont want to be short my whole life :] so if there certain food i can eat to slim me down and get taller thanks for all the answers im turning 14 in dec. so yeeaaaaa and if you can give me a diet plan thats easy to stick to i would appreciate it Health Question & Answer

1 Stretching exercises
Height increase is possible with stretching exercises. Results do take time since there are three levels of development which consist of Level 1: Tonal & Muscular development of the back muscles Level 2: Spinal decompression & Straightening Level 3: Progressive spinal disc regeneration & thickening.

Stretching exercises can add up to three inches of height permanently. While there are numerous exercises that target the spine, our researchers have developed the best possible combination of yoga style exercises that tone, strengthen, and develop the muscles that support the spine leading to height increase.

Once these muscles have developed appropriately, the spine will begin to lengthen as well as straighten another inch or two through spinal decompression.

Then, with time and proper implementation of the exercises the spinal discs as well as the cartilage that supports your arms, legs, and spine will begin to thicken leading to a proportionate and taller body.

Pros: Grow taller, up to three inches. Exercise has other benefits such as health, increased metabolism, decreased body fat, enhanced immune system. Effective at any age.

Cons: Exercises take 15-20 minutes of your time but are worth it.

Click here to read more about stretching exercises and their benefits.

#2 Supplements
The right supplements are as important as the proper exercises. There are numerous supplement currently available but most of them do not contain the vital ingredients that stimulate growth.

Our Growth Enhancer Plus? supplements contain the necessary ingredients that will help you grow taller including glucosamine, amino acids, and multivitamins. The ratio of each ingredient is important since the body can only utilize certain ingredients efficiently in the presence of other important ingredients.

Through years of research and development we have come up with the best supplement available to grow taller: Growth Enhancer Plus?.

You can grow taller by an additional 2-3 inches with the right supplements.

Pros: Grow taller, up to an additional three inches. Take anywhere and with your favorite drink. Takes no time at all to take. Ingredients will also increase energy, increase vitality, and improve focus. Effective at any age.

Cons: Expensive but are well worth the height increase.

Click here to discover more supplemental benefits

#3 Human Growth Hormone
One of the most expensive medications is synthetic human growth hormone. Prior to biomedical research and technological advances, doctors would gather cadavers and extract growth hormone from brain tissues.

Today synthetic human growth hormone is produced in medical laboratories. This medication can increase height effectively particularly in kids with low hgh levels.

Human growth hormone can increase an individuals height up to five inches within many months. However, there are numerous side-effects associated with hgh which make it more risky than the other methods to grow taller.

Pros: Grow taller, up to five inches. Results are permanent. Quick application

Cons: Very expensive. Require needle injections. Have bad side-effects. Only effective if your growth plates are still open.

#4 Limb Lengthening
Limb lengthening is a surgical procedure that requires either internal or external rods placed inside the limbs which have to be adjusted periodically. This procedure is currently being performed for cosmetic reasons outside of the United States.

Although limb lengthening is very effective it does require extensive recuperation and time. Approximately 1mm of height per day can be added which translates to an inch per month. Pain medication, hospital stay, and a high cost makes this procedure almost very expensive and out of reach to most individuals.

also, since this is a surgical procedure, infection is possible which will lead to higher medical bills.

Pros: Grow taller, up to twelve inches. Height is permanent. If you have short legs, you will end up with legs for miles.

Cons: Extremely expensive makes it out of reach to most individuals. Most of the height will be on the legs. Possible risk of infection. Hospital bills, medication, and time.

#5 Human Growth Hormone Stimulators
Human growth hormone stimulators are amino acid combinations that naturally force the pituatary gland into making human growth hormone. This procedure is effective and much safer than expensive synthetic growth hormone. There are no negative side-effects since your body makes hgh naturally.

In particular, effective stimulators come in liquid form. Results take time and positive side-effects also occur. Usually, a decrease in fat deposits and increased metabolism, are the positive side-effects.

The problem with human growth hormone stimulators is that they are only effective on younger individuals below an average 28 years of age.

Pros: Grow taller, up to two inches. Take anywhere anytime. DecreasedHealth Question & Answer

I always wanted to be at least 6 feet tall since I was a kid, and as a result I use to use the monkey bars a lot thinking they would stretch me taller. I don't know if that worked, but hey at least I tried.

I can totally feel where you're coming from. There aren't much things you can do to get taller, except drink vitamin d milk for healthy bones, and eat a healthy well balanced diet.

also don't smoke cigarettes or drink too much coffee because those things will stunt your growth, and most definitely do not do drugs or drink liquor unless you want to stop your growth.

My sister had some wacko idea to spike her son's food and drink with growth hormone which I think was a bad idea, although he got somewhat taller, he also went through a lot of emotional battles growing up, and I don't think that was a good idea.

Stick to a healthy diet and excersize, stay away from all the bad stuff and you should grow up just fine.Health Question & Answer

Drinking a lot of milk helps the bones to grow bigger and stronger. My brother did that and he's 6'2".

A good diet is to stop junk food such as chips and sugary drinks and eat fresh fruit instead and fresh veges like carrots, celery, cucumber, radishes, tomatoes.

also fermented food are very good for your digestion such as yogert (not the sugary kind),
saurekraut, pickled beets (get the fresh ones and pickle yourself),
sharp cheese.

1 Tbsp. of organic peanut butter a day helps to prevent cancer, in addition to the anti-oxidant veges and fruits, etc.

Eat fish, eggs, poultry, and have beef once a week if you'd like.

Milk should be organic.
cottage cheese okay 1/2 c. each time.Health Question & Answer

You don't grow up you grow out.

The only way to get Bigger is by eating foods rich in hormones which most foods contain.

To remain slim i eat lots of fruits and fresh vegetables.
When i say fresh vegetables i mean not packaged and i cut them and prepare it all myself right from the produce section or farmer's market.

Regular milk contains hormones which could make you grow taller as well as non kosher meats.

Of course if you eat foods rich in hormones you are going to have to do some sort of exercise on a regular basis and drink plenty of water to flush out toxins. Health Question & Answer

Eat a balanced diet, plain and simple. Make sure you're getting fruits, veggies, dairy, grains, protein, and water.
And get adequate amounts of restful sleep. Human growth hormone is ONLY released into the body during the deeper stages of sleep.
Everything you do to stay healthy gives your body a greater capacity for growth.Health Question & Answer

First, you need to have at least 7 to 8 hours sleep during the night. Sleeping too little and too much will affect your growth physically and mentally.

Second, have a 3 complete meal a day and eat more fruits and vegetables. Drink a full glass of milk during breakfast and before bedtime.

Third, exercise at least 3 times a week, maybe at least 10 minutes.

Fourth, take Vitamin B12 daily... Well, you can ask a doctor about it.

Lastly, avoid any vices like smoking and drinking.

Hope this will help you get taller..

Take care and God Bless!Health Question & Answer

food does NOT make you taller. You only 14, you have plenty of time to grow! don't worry about it, you'll be as tall as you are supposed to be. Be happy with it! You are you, love who you are!Health Question & Answer

Really I think that there is really no certain food that you can eat. You should just eat the correct amount of each food group to be able to grow up taller. also it depends on genetics and what not. Health Question & Answer

long beans. but sometimes you can't just be taller by eating. You need to:

3. Jump

All the three things must be done:


Hope this helps.

Don't let food fool you.Health Question & Answer

You best bet is to go on a diet to slim down. Try exercising also. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about your height. Health Question & Answer

Exercise and eat protein and try to stay away from to many fatty foods they can be good but not in exes. But your genes will have teh ultimate say. And you could also take steroids watch the movie Bigger faster StrongerHealth Question & Answer

Be happy with who you are. I'm sure there's a reason the good lord made you like you are. Plus you got a few more years to grow. So just wait it out.Health Question & Answer

I guess you can try to eat healthy and eat the needed proportions. Drink Milk and AVOID stuff with caffine such as coffee, pop, and energy drinks!
Good-Luck!Health Question & Answer

i hate being short too :/
stretch your arms to reach the ceiling
and keep doing this as often as you can
my mom says it works but i havnt tried itHealth Question & Answer

Hello .?.?.?
Your right! it is you generic genes!
Your 14 years old you are still growing!
Stop worrying and live life to the fullest :)
Don't sweat over your height we are all different and unique in our own way :)Health Question & Answer

eat healthy, dont eat so much carbs

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milk should help with bone growth. as well as staying slim, this will give the appearance of being taller. good luck but its mainly in the genesHealth Question & Answer

dude i feel your pain. 5'3 and ive been wondering for years wat to do. growth hormone is your best bet if your problem like mine is growth hormone deficiancyHealth Question & Answer

theres no food that makes you taller, as for a diet plan
try the ramen diet
3 ramen meals per dayHealth Question & Answer

balanced diet and exercisesHealth Question & Answer

lol hel no your gonnabe a shorty for your whole lifeHealth Question & Answer

eat a lot of pvssyHealth Question & Answer

fruit veg Health Question & Answer

lol ur only 13 m8, chances r ur gona get a growth spirt soonHealth Question & Answer

lol..i was always told if you sleep alot..you grow heaps..lol..Health Question & Answer

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