What are some good back workouts besides pullups?!

Question: What are some good back workouts besides pullups.?
Are horizontal pullups any good.?
what else can I use.?
I ran out of protein powder lolHealth Question & Answer

roflmao,pull ups in my country refer to babies training nappies.Health Question & Answer

you got access to a gym.? you didnt verify this...and you shouldnt do total body workouts...

you got barbells and plates.?

barbell rows....try to keep your lower back straight and go heavy 4-6 reps man
u need to split things up if you wanna get big
just putting that out there...i never did that full body crap starting out
then deadlifts...
then you need close griped upright rows, shrugs, and dumbell rows
2 sets for barbell rows
3 sets for deads, then 2 sets for dumbell rows
then 1 set of upright rows and 1 set of barbell shrugs

so basically its like this the first number is sets and after the x its the reps

deadlifts- 3x4-6
barbell rows- 2x4-6
dumbell rows-2x4-6
upright rows-1x4-6

every 3 weeks like switch it up kinda...
like maybe do 4 sets of deadlifts and 1 set of dumbell rows and 2 sets of barbell rows or take a exercise out of it like upright rows and do 2 sets of shrugs
just switch it up
if you want a wide back and nice traps go heavy, and have good form
and dont stick to that total body bull **** please

btw keep it to 9 sets and under...to get best results

edit again lol
i dont really believe in that stuff...are you new to weight training.?theres sumthing called "noob gains" since your body isnt used to it and its like HOLY **** WTF IS GOING ON IMMA BUILD SOME MUSCLE NOW YAAAA putting it in a easy way since i dont feel like explaining lol and usually total body your "supposed" to go on that for like 2 months then it wont work as well...only reason why i dont like it is cuz of fear of overtraining...i hate overtraining you get nowhere and then you get weaker...and like you stated you needed rest...but
then your supposed to go to like 3 days a week for like 2 months
then you go to 5 days for like...ever...i just jumped straight into 3 days then 5 and ive gained 35 pounds and about a good 28-30 of that was muscle lol in about 4 months...see if total body does that! jp but yeah...how long have you been lifting.? im curious
ive been lifting for liek a year but didnt really take it serious before i just lifted so i could get my weight from 185 to 130...then till about late april of this year..thats when the gains came in cuz i realized i was messing up...seriously id go with the 3 days/5 days a week thing, lift heavy eat heavy and then rest heavy...if that makes sense...and stick to like 9 sets
thats called max ot
best program ive EVER done...just you need some equipment i dont know if you have...if you wanna a lookie here it is
youll get big...12 weeks later im 164.6 pounds and started at 149
btw im 5'4...not the tallest guy 165 pounds is alot of someone of my height

u can still do the full body
im just putting ideas out there lol.

9 sets only takes about 30-60 minutes not that long lolHealth Question & Answer

there is the high row, the low row and pull downs. they are all at your gym and im sure any employee there will help you learn to use them.Health Question & Answer

oooh! ur drivin me nuts with the back workouts

(in a good way!) lol heheheHealth Question & Answer

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