When I bench press sometime my wrist hurt a bit after wards, what am I doing wrong?!

Question: When I bench press sometime my wrist hurt a bit after wards, what am I doing wrong.?
and how do I fix this problem.?Health Question & Answer

I had the same problem. You must have hurt it while lifting the barbell. Well try this it works wonders. First of all get yourself good gloves with additional wrist straps. For the time being give it a rest for a week. Apply ice to the affected area. After it heals. Start with lighter weights. Never bend your wrists while lifting the weights. Work your chest slowly not with a jerk. And, work your forearm muscles once once a week. And, always warm up your wrist with rotations.Health Question & Answer

Whatever you do, don't get wrist wraps. Any time you brace a body part to prevent injury all you're doing is preventing that part of the body from getting stronger. Period.

If your wrists hurt it's probably because your hands are not in line with your forearms when you are benching. If your hands are at a severe angle to your forearms when you bench it is very possible to create a pain in your wrist.

It all depends on your size and build, but you need to figure out exactly where the most comfortable and workable grip is for you. Take the weight completely off and just try to hold the bar at different positions and watch the angle of your hand to your forearm. Bring it down to your chest and all the way back up and keep a keen eye on everything. Do this until you believe you have it right and then start adding the weight. If you are doing this for the first time, then keep doing this before you bench until it becomes natural.

also, if you are new to the bench then you may be finding the weak links in the chain right now. Obviously some muscles are stronger than others and when you bench you are using way more muscles than you think. There is a good chance if you are using a comfortable grip and have good technique that your wrists will slowly get stronger and not feel anymore pain as time goes on.

Your best bet is always to grab someone who knows what they are doing (preferably an employee of the gym... not just some meathead who does bench 5 days a week) and ask them for advice on your technique. That is a great way to prevent any bad habbits and bad pains.Health Question & Answer

Hey, the best thing you can get is a wrist support, this will help your wrist wile you bench press.

Have you had a previous injury, be it big or small on your wrist.? i had an injury to my wrist when i was about 14 (im now 24) that caused a hairline fracture once healed it was fine. but when i started going to gym i had to use a support.

hope this helpsHealth Question & Answer

its the gloves... get some shiek gel women's gloves and you will be able to lift heavy without any pain

i had the same thing happen for a workout once... i just took a couple of days off and it felt better

how about showing me your gunsHealth Question & Answer

maybe you're not warming up or stretching before doing bench press, or maybe you have a fracture in your wrist, try to consult a doctor.Health Question & Answer

weights are too heavy, or you have an injury that has to heal first. if it doesn't go away after a month, a scan might be in order, but reduce weights first.Health Question & Answer

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