Is Too Much Fruit Bad?!

Question: Is Too Much Fruit Bad.?
I was kind of wondering, is too much fruit bad.? Fruit is basically a simple carbohydrate consisting of fructose, so it will be broken down into glucose quickly.

Obviously, there are some times where that is just what you need, but what if you eat a lot.? I don't, by the way, lol, people overestimate the importance of vegetables and fruits.Health Question & Answer

"i dont think you can have too much fruit" that is such an idiotic statement yes u can like you said man fruit is a simple carb now on the other hand there are some fruits that are low G.I. hehe ive been researching this cuz it was buggng me now apples say have a low GI broken down into glucose yes..just not as quick as say a banana anything with more fiber takes longer to digest thus lower GI an orange also now the tthing is u eat too much fruit it can be bad what is too much fruit...welll overall just fruit is carbs u gettting just carbs from fruit aside from nutrients but u can get all those nutrients in a multiv so dont go around having 10 servings of fruit a day no no have say 2 a banana in the morning and an apple midday is enough then some veges which relatively arent a big concern for carbs unless it's corn but greens u can eat like 2 plates full it's like 80cals lol as to a 5oz apple which is 80cals hope that helps a bit

edit: yeaa exactly what u said lol 2-3 servings is perfect i have a banana in the morning and a apple w/ my lunch i just make sure i dont go over 60carbs during one meal..and my biggest carb meal is breakfast consisting of about 60g carbs that's what i found for my size to be the most at once so it's not stored as fat but i dont get it all from fruits oviouslyHealth Question & Answer

too much of anything (including good things) is bad. Fruits are good for you and you need them. They provide vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc. (lots of good stuff).
[It is generally recognized that antioxidants are powerful nutrients that protect your health by fighting against free radicals in your body, preventing damage from oxidation.]

Now, if you are trying to lean out then you may want to limit your fruit intake (as you know the sugar in fruit is better than other types but it's still sugar). You also may want to focus your fruit intake on the high fiber and antioxidants type (most berries - strawberries, etc. are what you should be eating).

also, eating the whole fruit (i.e. fresh fruit vs. even 100% fruit juice) is better for you because that way you ensure you get more of the nutrients and less of the sugar.

Anyway, the simple answer to your question is 'yes' and 2-3 servings should be fine (I tend to range b/w 2-6 dependent on what 'phase' i'm in - I don't like veggies though :-)Health Question & Answer

It *can* be bad. Too much, or eaten at the wrong time or in the wrong combination, can cause bloating. I have to avoid fresh fruit first thing in the morning.Health Question & Answer

I dont think that you can have tooo mush fruit, but to keep your degestive tract going good You should eat planty of the other foods on the pyramid, and keep it equally balanced:)Health Question & Answer

WTH! try it!Health Question & Answer

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