I want to lose weight ?!

Question: I want to lose weight .?
ok i want to lose wieght!! i have tryed diet after diet and they just dont work!! i do exercising everyday and thats not working i am constantly bullied about my wieght and high school and i ahev now starting trying to make myself ill help me pls ideas.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

diets dont work girl havent you seen the commercials.? you need to make exercise part of your weekly routine. dont kill yourself at first. start off just walking for the first week, then start running and stretching and just simple crunches should help you. as for your "diet" fruits and vegetables are always good. eating a lot of fiber as in high fiber breads or cereals can help alot because it flushes out all the fat in your body. but dont over do it or you will be constipated. also try not to drink soda and eat a lot of sweets cause girl i know how it is. if there are certain foods you cant give up then PORTION CONTROLL. i hate seeing food go to waste, but if you really think you are going to eat all of something then save exactly half of it for later. if you cant then you have to throw it away! (thats how i controll myself sometimes) but anyways fill yourself up with as much fruit and vegetables as you can! dark greens are always better than light and the more colorfull your plate the better. if you dont like raw fruits and vegetables then bake them, grill them, or even eat them dried! (dried bananas are delecious) and to the people that bully you tell them to go f*ck off. and you should bully them right back. (just kidding)
motivate yourself
dont be ashamed
good luck
and no its not stupidHealth Question & Answer

First you need to write down everything you are eating on a daily basis.
Secondly, you need to cut out chips, soda, cupcakes and thing that is made with flour until you can control the amount you eat.
Third, you have to watch your portion size. For an example, if you go to MacDonald's and you normally order a big mac and large fries, instead of that order a cheeseburger or hamburger with a small fry and water or diet coke. Everything takes time you didn't get fat overnight its not going to come off overnight. Lastly, a must is exercise. You have to exercise and the best way to get the way off is running I think. Start off walk/run, and then work your way up. You can do it!!!! Have you seen biggest loser show.? Let that be your motivation. Health Question & Answer

Well first of all, making yourself ill is in no way a good excuse for losing weight. There are thousands of websites all over the internet detailing tips, customized eating plans, low-calorie recipes, etc. Googling is a good place to start but here are some of my favorites:


But from experience, diets truly do not work. I have lost 15 pounds after feeling defeated from the lack of success of fad diets. The only efficient way to lose weight and keep it off is to make healthier decisions. Exercise is great, but if exercising makes you consume more foods that are detrimental to your health, then it's a bit of a catch-22. Try small things, you may be at a plateau..meaning that your body is resisting losing weight because of you have been tampering with your metabolism. Good luck! You can do anything you put your mind to :)Health Question & Answer

First, see your doctor to rule out a thyroid problem or other health issue that could make you retain weight. Barring that, stick to a plan that is a lifestyle change, no crash diets or extreme measures. Just do regular cardio and eat smaller portions of healthy foods. It takes a lot of time (half a pound to a pound lost per week), but it's totally worth it. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

i dont know if u would call this a diet but have u tried eating a little bit like every 2 hrs
like eat a bag of chips or cereal or soup or stuff like that
dont eat alot and dont starve urself cuz that wont work
also try running about 2-3 mils a day to see if that helpsHealth Question & Answer

runHealth Question & Answer

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