Counting your breaths?!

Question: Counting your breaths.?
i heard that counting your breaths and letting thoughts pass, make you relaxed and no thoughts then.. Takes care of stress..well when i was younger and used to sleep by my mom or dad, i would always concentrate on their breathing. I would try to match up with their breathing. like if they inhale, i inhale. If they exhale, i exhale with them. Is there a reason.? Or was i just abnormal.?Health Question & Answer

I was hypnotized once, and breathing is very important to relaxation. It's not surprising that synchronized breathing is relaxing. Not only do you physically calm your body, but the emotional bond of sharing with the person (mom, partner, w/e) is also great! I used to do that all the time. Plus, imagine a fetus in the womb- the parents breathing was the child's breathing.Health Question & Answer

I think that when you did that as a child, it was totally normal. Just as Moo said, breathing like that is natural and a good reliever of stress. If you concentrate on something and breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth, you can get on a rhythm and your whole body relaxes. Doing that while falling asleep is a good way to wind down. If you have someone next to you, concentrate on their breathing pattern and fall asleep more easily. If you are alone in bed, then I would say shut out everything else and concentrate on deeply breathing in (nose) and out (mouth) to fall asleep soundly. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

i do the same thing with my daughter when she sleeps with us at night.

Its prefectly natural.

And in my opinion, it does help,

also, counting backwards from 1000 works very well too.


If your just ansy and too much energy,

Focus on something,
I prefer the light on the smoke detector,

Now, Move your eyes very fast.. in all directions, clockwise, counterclockwise up down left right,

So that the light leaves streamers and all ya know.

This is very taxing and takes alot of energy,

I find it a great way to wind down while i relax, makes your eyes too tired to keep open, Health Question & Answer

One good method that really removes stress and makes you more relaxed is when you put one of your arms on your stomach and begin "breathing with your stomach",,so not with your nose,,,you breath with your mouth,,,,and you should breath slow and deep,,,and while you do that your arm is always on the stomach and moves together with it,,,,after 10 minutes or less you should feel more relaxed,,,,,it works for me,,,I hope it will work for you,,,and in some way it is also a way of counting breaths,,,but you count yours,,,,have a nice day.Health Question & Answer

is ur mom, dad & ur AGE is the same, it is not abnormal theres different between de age, stamina and much different things, so dont worry it is normal..Health Question & Answer

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