What damage am I doing to my body drinking a litre of diet coke daily?!

Question: What damage am I doing to my body drinking a litre of diet coke daily.?
I am addicted to diet coke. I was wondering what damage it will do to my health long term, I know acid erosion to teeth is a problem, as is bone loss through the phosphorous (maybe) but what else if anything.?Health Question & Answer

why dont u jumps urself from a high storey building and end ur lfie in one go instead of murdring urself step by step.? pls for god sake stop urdiet coke immediately. some fact below to show u how deadly diet cola is

The problem with most Diet Cokes is that they contain the artificial sweetener Aspartame (Some Diet Coke is made with Splenda instead).

There have been some studies finding that Aspartame is a multi potential toxin and possibly a carcinogen. The methyl ester component of Aspartame is metabolized to methanol, which in turn is broken down into formic acid and formaldehyde. Methanol can lead to serious eye problems; formic acid and formaldehyde are potent carcinogens. Many people have found a connection between the ingestion of Aspartame with symptoms such as memory loss, headaches, and more pronounced problems including diabetes and brain tumors. But the most serious reasonably established problem with Aspartame is that one study has found that Aspartame decreases evoked extra cellular dopamine levels in rat brains.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, that is, a chemical that nerve cells release that aid in the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles and organs. The lack of dopamine affects all nerve functions, from walking to chewing, to breathing. The basic "cause" of Parkinson's disease is the lack of dopamine, and the basic treatment for Parkinson's for more than 50 years has been the administering of dopa drugs, such as L-Dopa, which crosses the blood-brain barrier and restores some of the missing dopamine.

The lack of dopamine, as in Parkinson's, first manifests as a slowing in voluntary movement and difficulty in basic muscular functions, including hand and finger manipulation, walking, turning, etc., and as it progresses, effects speech, swallowing, and breathing.

It will be interesting to see the follow-up to the "rat-brain" study, in several aspects:

1. Can the results be duplicated thus verifying the conclusions from the scientists and students of Muskingum College;

2. Will there ever be human studies that produce similar findings in people;

3. If so, will this result in either the banning of Aspartame, or at least the recommendation that Parkinson's sufferers stay away from it;

4. Will further studies investigate whether something in Aspartame, that people have been exposed to and have ingested for many years (from before Aspartame was first marketed) that has contributed to loss of dopamine and possibly the development of Parkinson's;

5. Will anything really develop in this regard, given the fact the all of the earlier studies associating Aspartame with brain tumors, lymphoma, leukemia, fibromyalgia, etc., have either not been taken seriously by the medical science establishment or have been banished to the circular file by big business and lobbyist money, or is that because the studies deserved no more consideration than they have been given due to their questionable starting points of the ingestion of unreasonably large amounts of the subject products. Thus has certainly been the criticism of studies of Splenda, and a earlier saccharin studies.Health Question & Answer

I used to have a nice supervisor at my old work who drank 2 liters of diet coke daily. also had a girlfriend a long time ago who drank it religiously and wouldn't drink any other kind of soda pop. They both drank it first thing in the morning too. I thought that was weird.

Anyway, it caused hypertension and all kinds of health problems for my supervisor. His doctor made him cut back, but couldn't force him to eliminate it. He was too addicted. Some say aspartame has an addiction similar to cocaine for some people!

The aspartame and caffeine are horrible for you. If you can't cut it out altogether at first, at least try the caffeine free variety. Aspartame has toxic by products that cannot be broken down by the liver and makes the liver work overtime.

Anything that is not natural is naturally not good for you.

Health Question & Answer

It is bad for you in a ton of ways.

There's a study that shows that people who drink soda and colas in particular have loLOWER BONE-DENSITY. You would think it was the carbonic acid, but it is believed that this is due to another chemical in Colas that deplete calcium form your blood-stream.

The artifical sweeteners may also be carcenogenic, but I don't know about the latest and greatest sweeteners being used. Sacchrine has been shown to cause CANCER in mice. Don't know about splenda or whatever they use in diet coke.

Chad answered the part about the sweetener in his anser above. Lupis is pretty scary shitt.

Marissa mentioned Caffiene above.. That is also a mjor consideration. It cancontribute to HIGH-BLOOD PRESSURE, and is also carcenogenic in high doses.Health Question & Answer

I think that pretty much anything in excess is bad. Aspartame found in diet coke and many other sugar free drinks, is what i would be afraid of. You can do a search on the internet and look up all of the controversy, but some people believe it can cause headaches, Alzheimer's, brain tumors, etc. I don't think anything is proven, but my grandpa has been drinking diet sodas all of his life and he is starting to show signs of Alzheimer's. Health Question & Answer

diet drinks have chemicals in them that arent good for your body...moderation is fine but you really should try to cut back. Diet coke has a lot of caffeine though as well which speeds up your heart rate...its good for a temporary burst but if you drink it too much your exerting your heart a little too much...plus caffeine is addicting. I'm not sure if Aspartame is still used in diet coke but if it is then thats not good..its a bad chemical

try to cut back of possible..i used to drink soda every day and now i have iced tea instead which still tastes great and is much healthier bc its mostly water and doesnt have like any caffeine in itHealth Question & Answer

I'm addicted to diet pepsi too i think its best to drink it using a straw and gargle with water right after. Dont drink it everyday so you can avoid the harm effects (if there are any) but dont deprive yourself either, we only live once :)Health Question & Answer

Greetings, it is commonly acknowledged that diets are useless for permanent weight loss. I suggest that you click http://snipurl.com/3v9b6 [lose-inches_info] its a superb resource with lots of free help and support. I ditched 10 pounds in four weeks by taking their advice Health Question & Answer

Aspartame, the diet coke sweetener, causes a myriad of health conditions including lupus, multiple sclerosis, brain cancer, seizures, and many other terrible things. Health Question & Answer

I guess because diet coke is bad for you. Look up what kind of nutrients it has.Health Question & Answer

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