Should people be made to feel good about being overweight/obese?!

Question: Should people be made to feel good about being overweight/obese.?
I see on tv a lot of women accepting their "curves" (not so much men :S) but is it really a good idea, even though it's helping people's confidence, to encourage that weight, especially if it is dangerous.? I understand that SOME bigger people do eat well and exercise well, but to be quite frank they CERTAINLY aren't the majority, so people should stop using that excuse. Anyways, is there any good coming from encouraging people to be overweight/obese.?
P.S. I know for a fact a lot of thin people aren't fit or healthy, but they aren't at as much of a risk of diseases.Health Question & Answer

It's not a good idea to encourage anyone to BE overweight. However, to encourage a person that is overweight to love themselves and to be happy with who they are IS. Reason is, condemning them or making them feel like less of a person will only cause a great number of those people more self doubt, self hate, more unhealthy eating, or unhealthy way of living.

Encouraging them to love the skin they are in should actually help with self esteem, thus giving them a desire to do better, a lil energy to work towards overall being healthy. Health Question & Answer

Encouraging people to be comfortable in their own skin, to not be ashamed of who they are, or their looks is what people are trying to do.
There is a huge line between "curves" and obesity, especially dangerous obesity. Encouraging them to be healthy, and not base their self-esteem off of what a magazine says is beautiful is a good idea. It's not like they are shoving fried food and salt down their throats, just encouraging them to accept themselves regardless of other's opinions.Health Question & Answer

The FDA put out a study that says it is better to be slightly overweight (5-10 lbs) than to be even the tiniest bit under weight. And alot of women cannot, just plain cannot, ever not have curves, like the Hanes commercails on tv, those ladies could do everything to be skinny, and they never would be. It doesnt mean they are overweight or unhealthy. Health Question & Answer

no one is encouraging anyone to be obese. Overweight is not the same as obese. Some overweight people are much healthier than thin people. It's wrong to encourage people to be skinny. Normal weight, but not as thin as this country portrays beauty and health to be. Obesity is big problem, however, I've never seen anyone encouraging it. Curves means overweight, not obese( big difference).Health Question & Answer

If it's dangerous, it should definitely be discouraged. If people are just a little bit plump but are not in the way of potentially being ill, they should be encouraged to accept the way they look - that's if they like it themselves. I think people should always just support others if they don't complain about themselves (this is as long as there is not health problems involved). I can't stress enough how important being healthy is!Health Question & Answer

It is not about encouraging people to be overweight, it is about people learning to accept themselves for who they are not their size. In a society so focused on looks it is important for people of all sizes to know that they can be good productive humans without having to conform to some media image of what is beautiful. Beauty begins on the inside, and maybe the message will get to these young girls with their self destructive eating disorders who are basically dying to try and be what they believe everyone else thinks is beautifulHealth Question & Answer

if overweight people are no less healthy than thinner ones, then why shouldn't their confidence be boosted.? recommending that someone lose or gain weight because you don't like the way that they look is so rude. and, to dismiss their confidence as being some sort of excuse is a bit arrogant. who cares if they're not the majority.? encouraging someone who has decided on their own to lose or gain weight is the better way to go.Health Question & Answer

i think that its good to encourage people to love themselves for who they are,accept the situation that they are in, & at the same time have them motivated to make themselves better and healthier by making better decisions on eating and exercising. i know people who are so depressed with thier weight that they just dont care no more, but when you make that person feel good about themselves they know that they can do better and feel more motivated like they have a chance ya know.Health Question & Answer

there are a lot of women out there that are curvy and healthy as heLL! just because they have added plush does not mean they should be looked down upon. the reason why there is such a high volume of girls that have eating disorders because of the negative view society has on chicks that are not a size 0. thanks for contributing to that negativity.Health Question & Answer

personally it depends on if the person is overweight but excercises regularly and eats right to maintain their weight, they should in a way accept it cuz that means they dont consistently eat junk food. if the person feels good about themselves and exudes confidence, go right ahead.Health Question & Answer

No, its wrong. People weren't made to be obese. It's unnatural and unhealthy. It's extremely unhealthy. It's the wrong image. Overindulgence is a sin. Overeating is greed, and it comes with a disgusting result.Health Question & Answer

Hm...I think that they should be. I mean, I'm not going to make excuses for 400 - pound people. but the ones who are noticably overweight and have a hard time losing all of it deserve to feel good just the way they are. not everyone wants to/can look like a stick figure, you know.?Health Question & Answer

I don't think they should be ridiculed and overlooked either. Especially the ones who, when thin, are still called fat, or the ones who when chubby, are treated as if they are gigantic like the 500 pound women who walk with their pubic region jutting out.Health Question & Answer

No, it is not healthy to be overweight, and there is no reason for it. I say no mostly because when parents think its ok to be overweight, they push their bad habits on their kidsHealth Question & Answer

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Health Question & Answer

curves are sexy... what these women call curves are fat rolls. honestly hips and chest are curves. people on television are like "hey im so curvy" but they're really fat and shouldn't be put on a pedestal for being unhealthy. right.?Health Question & Answer

No, it is not a good thing. Maybe if they weren't so confident about it hey would work harder to lose the weight and get a better life style.Health Question & Answer

Over weight or under weight are neither healthy. Ideal health is not the size you wear but how healthy your inside stuff is. Oh and couture you need a shrink. Health Question & Answer

no, you should feel good about that, feel good about yourself, but don't be encouraged to live an unhealthy lifestylseHealth Question & Answer

NO it is not a good idea. I am not saying to insult or belittle, but let's not glorify it either. It is unhealthy. Health Question & Answer

i think they should be trying to lose weight some its harder for some peaple to let go of mc donldsHealth Question & Answer

im a size zero.
i love itHealth Question & Answer

i think that people should be confident and happy with themselves. i watched the tyra show where someone was over 500 lbs and she was proud. i don't think that's healthy and she can't possibly feel comfortable in her body. i weigh less than her, but i am still considered obsese and i'm not happy with my body, but i don't beat myself up about it either. a lot of people on tv who are so called confident with their overweight bodies are usually very angry and defensive about it. typically people who are overweight usually have something within them that they aren't dealing with and are using food as a way to cope. i found out that i am prediabetic so i have to get healthy and i must also break my bad eating habits. i am not convinced that they people who are well over a good 200 lbs are happy with themselves, but rather just sit there and defend their bodies and project confidence. i am not one of these people who will say my curves are wonderful, etc, nor do i beat myself for letting myself get this way. i'm neutral, but i will change. Health Question & Answer

These shows are to help with self esteem and acceptance/ love of ones self.

I think they know that watching what they eat, and exercising is important, and are probably working on that. These shows suggest to me, that while on the way to getting there.....they need not feel unattractive, pretty or confident.

Some skinny people are just as at risk for health problems as overweight, they just have a different set of problems.

Smoking, starvation diets , laxative abuse, throwing up, diet pills water pills, obsessive exercises and other extreme ways to lose weight , or stay the same are just as much of an unhealthy life style as overeating.

And remember too, not all overweight people are that way from over eating.

I just read your edit: it seems you have a problem with weight .....period. If you have really been working on gaining weight you would have picked some up. Just because you have a weight problem .....mentally and physically, don't point at bigger women and say I'm more healthy.,...just not true.

Your health problems, I say problems because something is wrong when one tries to pick up weight and can't... either you have a health problem or mental. healthy people can eat all kinds of food and pick up weight with no problem. or ( you may be pic perfect ) doesn't sound so.

At any rate ....
What really bothers you about others weight.?.?.?.?.? Why is their problem your problem.?.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

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